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[英]creating list with sub items from json structure

I am creating a list with the below code which is contained in this fiddle . 我正在用此小提琴中包含的以下代码创建一个列表。


var myList = [{
        "title": "Home",
            "sub": 0,
            "url": "/home",
            "show": 1
    }, {
        "title": "News",
            "sub": 0,
            "url": "/news",
            "show": 1
    }, {
        "title": "About",
            "sub": 1,
            "url": "/about",
            "show": 1,
        child: [{
            "title": "Contact",
                "sub": 0,
                "url": "/about/contact",
                "show": 1
    }, {
        "title": "Other",
            "sub": 0,
            "url": "/other",
            "show": 0

    $.each(myList, function (entryIndex, entry) {
        var title = this.title;
        var show = "";
        var sub = '';
        var url = this.url;
        if (!this.show) {
            show = "style=color:grey;";
        if (this.sub) {
            sub = $("ul").append(this.child.text);
        $("ul").append("<li " + show + "> " + title + sub + "</li>");

The output I am getting is, which is working as expected except for the children of about. 我得到的输出是正常的,除了大约的孩子。

    <li> Home</li>
    <li> News</li>
    <li> About[object Object]</li>
    <li style="color:grey;"> Other</li>

How do I go about getting the children to appear so I get 我如何去让孩子出现,让我得到

    <li> Home</li>
    <li> News</li>
    <li> About
           <li> Contact</li>
    <li style="color:grey;"> Other</li>

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

Online Demo 在线演示


var data =  [{/*... your data*/}] ;

var endMenu =getMenu(data);

    function getMenu(d ){
          return d.map(function(node){

              var subMenu = ( node.child && node.child.length > 0) ? '<ul>'+ getMenu(node.child) + '</ul>' : "";
               return '<li>'+node.title +  subMenu + '</li>' ;
      $('#menu').html('<ul>'+endMenu.join('')+ '</ul>');

All you have to do is to check is your object has child items and if does you execute the function again getMenu(node.child) , like: 您要做的就是检查您的对象是否有child项,是否再次执行getMenu(node.child)函数,例如:

var subMenu = ( node.child && node.child.length > 0) ? '<ul>'+ getMenu(node.child) + '</ul>' : "";

Hopefully this will guide you to implement it in you version. 希望这将指导您在您的版本中实现它。

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