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区域主题在Drupal 7中

[英]Block or region themes in Drupal 7

I can't figure out how to added a custom theme to a region or block in Drupal 7. 我不知道如何在Drupal 7中向区域或块添加自定义主题。

This is block--main-column-3.tpl.php 这是块--main-column-3.tpl.php

<?php if ($block->subject): ?>
    <h2><a href="what-is-nations.html#jobs"><?php print $block->subject ?></a></h2>
<?php endif;?>

<div class="info-graph-section income">
    <object type="image/svg+xml" data="<?php print path_to_theme(); ?>/images/income.svg">
        <!-- fallback image in CSS -->

<?php if ($block->content): ?>
    <?php print $content ?>
    <p><a href="what-is-nations.html#jobs">Learn More <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a></p>
<?php endif;?>

This is page.tpl.php 这是page.tpl.php

<?php if($page["main-column-3"]): ?>
    <div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-4">
        <?php print render($page["main-column-3"]) ?>

<div class="info-graph-section housing">
    <object type="image/svg+xml" data="<?php print path_to_theme(); ?>/images/housing.svg">
        <!-- fallback image in CSS -->

<?php endif; ?>

It gets rendered but it's not using my theme. 它被渲染,但是没有使用我的主题。

I have a region called content-column-3 and I have a block in that region. 我有一个名为content-column-3的区域,并且在该区域有一个方块。

What's the step that I'm missing here? 我在这里错过了什么步骤?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Edit: 编辑:

I'm trying to put the content below the image while keeping the title above the image. 我试图将内容放在图像下方,同时将标题保持在图像上方。 This is what it looks like now 这就是现在的样子


Edit: .info 编辑:.info

name = Nations
description = Nations Drupal Theme
core = 7.x

stylesheets[all][] = css/bootstrap.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/custom-styles.css

regions[content] = Content

regions[content-header] = Content Header
regions[content-main] = Content Main

regions[main-column-1] = Main Column 1
regions[main-column-2] = Main Column 2
regions[main-column-3] = Main Column 3

regions[footer-column-1] = Footer Column 1
regions[footer-column-2] = Footer Column 2
regions[footer-column-3] = Footer Column 3

regions[footer-copyright] = Footer Copyright

features[] = main_menu

Use underscores in your region names. 在您的区域名称中使用下划线。 Not dashes. 不破折号。

You can't wrap an if statement around your block content. 您不能将if语句包装在块内容周围。 You shouldn't want or need to anyway. 无论如何,您都不需要或不需要。

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