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[英]Error passing arguements between promises in AngularJS

I'm building a promise chain which contains four functions. 我正在构建一个包含四个功能的承诺链。 The purpose of the promise is to make a few API calls. 许诺的目的是进行一些API调用。 Each API call affects the following one, and some require multiple arguments. 每个API调用都会影响以下调用,某些调用需要多个参数。

The basic flow of the code below is this: 下面的代码的基本流程是这样的:

  1. geocodeLocation is the first function, and takes the $scope.location input which gets geocoded into the result object containing lat , lng , and formattedAddress geocodeLocation是第一个函数,并接受$scope.location输入,该输入将被地理编码到包含latlngformattedAddressresult对象中
  2. getSearchCount is the second function that requires the result from the previous function. getSearchCount是第二个函数,需要上一个函数的result This function queries the API using Restangular and returns a plucked_result object. 该函数使用Restangular查询API,并返回一个plucked_result对象。
  3. saveLocation function requires both the result and plucked_result to create a new location, based on whether plucked_result.search_count is less than 1 or not. saveLocation函数根据plucked_result.search_count是否小于1 ,需要resultplucked_result来创建一个新位置。 The search_count variable is returned by this function. 此函数返回search_count变量。
  4. getPhotos requires the result and search_count arguments. getPhotos需要使用resultsearch_count参数。 Using these it builds a an API request URL that gets fired off. 使用这些工具,可以构建一个可以触发的API请求URL。 When the response comes back, the photos are saved to the db. 当响应返回时, photos将保存到数据库。

The error occurs within the saveLocation function. 该错误发生在saveLocation函数中。 The error being returned is: 返回的错误是:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'search_count' of undefined

Here's the code (with a few comments on what's going on): 这是代码(对正在发生的事情有一些评论):

var geocodeLocation, getPhotos, getSearchCount, saveLocation;
// geocode the $scope.location into a formatted address with latitude and longitude
geocodeLocation = function(location) {
  return Geocoder.geocodeAddress(location).then(function(result) {
    $scope.geocodingResult = "(lat, lng) " + result.lat + ", " + result.lng + " (address: '" + result.formattedAddress + "')";
    // pass the result object from the previous function into the next function
    return result;

getSearchCount = function(result) {
  // fetch the locations from the API (using Restangular)
  return Global.locationsRoute().getList().then(function(data) {
    var plucked_result;
    // use underscore's _findWhere to pluck out the location we're looking for, and extract it's search_count
    plucked_result = _.findWhere(data, {
      name: result.formattedAddress
    // this is logging correctly
    return plucked_result;

saveLocation = function(plucked_result, result) {
  var newLocation, search_count;
  // this is logging incorrectly, and is where the error occurs
  search_count = plucked_result.search_count;
  // if the search_count is more than 1, increment and update the search_count
  if (!(search_count < 1)) {
    plucked_result.search_count = search_count + 1;
  } else {
  // if the search_count is less than 1, create a new location
    newLocation = {
      name: result.formattedAddress,
      lat: result.lat,
      lng: result.lng,
      search_count: 1
  return search_count;

// this function requires both the result and search count to build the 500px API request string
getPhotos = function(result, search_count) {
  var newUrl, url;
  url = Global.externalAPI() + "search?geo=" + result.lat + "," + result.lng + ",25km&rpp=5&image_size=4&tags=true&sort=votes_count&only=[Landscapes][City+%26+Architecture][Nature][Urban+Exploration][Underwater][Travel][Journalism][Black+and+White]&page=" + search_count + "&consumer_key=" + Global.consumerKey();
  newUrl = Restangular.oneUrl('500px', url).get();
  return newUrl.then(function(data) {
    var newPhoto, photo, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
    $scope.photos = data;
    _ref = data.photos;
    _results = [];
    for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      photo = _ref[_i];
      newPhoto = {
        name: photo.name,
        description: photo.description,
        image_url: photo.image_url,
        search_term: result.formattedAddress
    return _results;

$scope.geocode = function() {
  var location;
  if ($scope.location) {
    location = $scope.location;
    return geocodeLocation(location).then(getSearchCount).then(saveLocation).then(getPhotos);

The question here is: how do I pass the result , plucked_result and search_count variables between all the functions? 这里的问题是:如何在所有函数之间传递resultplucked_resultsearch_count变量?

Solved. 解决了。 Promises can't pass more than one argument between them, so you need to bundle all of your objects and variables into an array, and pass that array between the functions. 承诺之间不能传递多个参数,因此您需要将所有对象和变量捆绑到一个数组中,并在函数之间传递该数组。 For example: 例如:

var getSearchCount, saveLocation;

getSearchCount = function(result) {
  return Global.locationsRoute().getList().then(function(data) {
    var passed_data, plucked_result;
    plucked_result = _.findWhere(data, {
      name: result.formattedAddress
    passed_data = [result, plucked_result];
    return passed_data;

saveLocation = function(passed_data) {
  var newLocation, plucked_result, result, search_count;
  result = passed_data[0];
  plucked_result = passed_data[1];
  search_count = plucked_result.search_count;
  if (!(search_count < 1)) {
    plucked_result.search_count = search_count + 1;
  } else {
    newLocation = {
      name: result.formattedAddress,
      lat: result.lat,
      lng: result.lng,
      search_count: 1
  passed_data = [result, search_count];
  return passed_data;

Where passed_data is an array containing the objects and variables. 其中passed_data是包含对象和变量的数组。

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