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[英]Making an ajax request multiple times

I have three "sources," each of which needs to have an ajax call made. 我有三个“源”,每个源都需要进行ajax调用。 However, because Ajax is asynchronous, I can't just put it in a for loop. 但是,由于Ajax是异步的,所以我不能仅仅将其放入for循环中。 At the same time, I can't do async: false because it's bad to have the browser hang. 同时,我无法执行async: false因为挂起浏览器很不好。

Thus, I decided to have the Ajax be called multiple times in it's success callback, and construct a kind of artificial loop. 因此,我决定在其success回调中多次调用Ajax,并构造一种人工循环。 Problem is, it's not working properly (I'll explain the error later on in the question). 问题是,它无法正常工作(我将在稍后的问题中解释错误)。 Here's my relevant code. 这是我的相关代码。

    counter: 0,
    load: function(source, start_month, end_month, start_year, end_year) {
      start_month = parseInt(start_month) + 1;
      end_month = parseInt(end_month) + 1; 
      var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse; 
      if(source == 0) {
          dataType: "json",
          url: ...
          data: {
          crossDomain: true,
          success: function(raw_data) {
            if(posts.counter < 4) {
              posts.load(source, start_month, end_month, start_year, end_year);
            } else {
              alert("plot graph");

This entire code block exists inside a posts closure. 整个代码块都在posts闭包内部。 Just a couple of questions: 只是几个问题:

  1. Is this good style? 这是好风格吗? Is there a more efficient way to go about doing this? 有没有更有效的方法可以做到这一点?

  2. For some reason the alert is only firing twice... shouldn't it be firing 3 times with 1, 2, and 3? 出于某种原因, alert仅触发两次……难道不是要用1、2和3触发3次吗?

I suggest using JS promises (aka deferred objects). 我建议使用JS Promise(也称为延迟对象)。 Look into jQuery's when and then functions ( http://api.jquery.com/jquery.when/ and http://api.jquery.com/deferred.then/ ). 查看jQuery的时间和功能( http://api.jquery.com/jquery.when/http://api.jquery.com/deferred.then/ )。 You can use deferred objects to make 3 asynchronous calls and wait to process the data until all 3 calls return. 您可以使用延迟的对象进行3次异步调用,然后等待处理数据,直到所有3个调用都返回。

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