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未捕获的语法错误:正在添加 <li> 元素 <ul>

[英]Uncaught syntax error: Adding <li> elements to an <ul>

I keep getting an uncaught syntex error which I know usually means your code has a missing closing something. 我不断收到uncaught syntex error ,我通常知道这意味着您的代码缺少关闭内容。 I keep failing to see what it is that I am missing. 我一直看不到我想念的是什么。

The idea of the function is that it extracts the a links ID and Text content and add's it to an un-ordered list. 该函数的思想是提取链接ID和文本内容,并将其添加到无序列表中。

The links have a class of 'ingredient_add' and the unordered list has an ID of 'ingredientsAdded'. 链接的类别为“ ingredient_add”,而无序列表的ID为“ingredient⚓”。

I can't see what I've missed here. 我看不到我在这里错过的一切。

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.ingredient_add').click(function() {
        var id = this.id;
        var value = this.text();
        $('#ingredientsAdded').append("<li id='"+id+"'>"+value+"</li>");
    }); //end add to list
}); // end document ready()

Your syntax looks good. 您的语法看起来不错。 You do need to pass in the event to the function though. 您确实需要将事件传递给函数。


Check out Jonathan Lonowskis comment on your .text(). 查看Jonathan Lonowskis对您的.text()的评论。

The error you should be getting is Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function 您应该得到的错误是Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

$('.ingredient_add').click(function () {
    event.preventDefault();   <-- what is event?

should be 应该

$('.ingredient_add').click(function (event) {

if you are still getting that error, there is something else going on that is not in your code. 如果仍然出现该错误,则说明代码中没有发生其他情况。

Hello your problem was just a simple mistake. 您好,您的问题只是一个简单的错误。

var value = $(this).text();

Here is a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Grimbode/pFLXf/1/ 这是一个jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/Grimbode/pFLXf/1/

I updated your code. 我更新了您的代码。 Watch out not to use the same id more than once. 注意不要多次使用相同的ID。

var counter = 0;
var id = this.id;
var value = $(this).text();
$('#ingredientsAdded').append('<li id="'+id+counter+'">'+value+'</li>');
}); //end add to list

}); // end document ready()

You missed an argument in click handler function. 您错过了点击处理程序函数中的参数。


var id = this.id;
var value = this.text();
$('#ingredientsAdded').append("<li id='"+id+"'>"+value+"</li>");

}); //end add to list

}); // end document ready()

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