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[英]Use vba to get last cell value in a dynamically populated in excel

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets 1 & 2. I am running some code to get the Sheet1 populated. 我有一个包含2张纸1和2的excel工作簿。我正在运行一些代码来填充Sheet1。 Now in Sheet2 B1 cell I want the [Sheet1 last cell value in Column D] + 1. 现在在Sheet2 B1单元格中,我想要[Sheet1 D列中的最后一个单元格值] + 1。

Can anyone help me code this. 谁能帮我编码。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

This will capture the last value in column D of Sheet1 这将捕获Sheet1的 D列中的最后一个值

Sub DataCapture()
Dim N As Long, V As Variant
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        N = .Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
        V = .Cells(N, "D").Value
    End With
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1").Value = V
End Sub

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