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如何在Java Android中处理SQLite表的列?

[英]How to process columns of an SQLite table in Java android?

I have an SQLite table like: 我有一个SQLite表,如:

|_id| lap_time_ms |formatted_elapse|
| 1 |  5600       | 00:05.6        |
| 2 |  4612       | 00:04.6        |
| 3 |  4123       | 00:04.1        |
| 4 |  15033      | 00:15.0        |
| 5 |  4523       | 00:04.5        |
| 6 |  6246       | 00:06.2        |

Where lap_time_ms is an of the type long and represents the amount of time in milliseconds for a lap while formatter_elapse is a String that represents the formatted (displayable) form of the first column (elapse). 其中lap_time_ms是long类型的,表示一圈的时间(以毫秒为单位),而formatter_elapse是表示第一列(经过)的格式化(可显示)形式的String。

My question is that if I want to add (say) 5 seconds (5000) to each lap_time_ms then I use a statement like: 我的问题是,如果我想向每个lap_time_ms添加(例如)5秒(5000),那么我将使用如下语句:

DB.execSQL("update table_name set KEY_ELAPSE=KEY_ELAPSE+5000);

Which works fine however the problem is that formatted_elapse still retains its outdated value! 哪个工作正常,但问题是formatted_elapse仍然保留其过时的值!

So, what is the best way to update the values in the formatted_elapse column if I have a function like: 因此,如果我有类似的功能,什么是更新formatted_elapse列中值的最佳方法是:

public static String getFormattedTime(long milliseconds) {
    // custom code that processes the long
    return processedString;

It may be a long shot (metaphorically speaking of course ;) but is it possible to have SQLite link the two columns such that if I update a lap_time_ms row, the formatted_elapse will automatically update appropriately. 这可能是一个漫长的过程(当然,这是隐喻的;),但是有可能让SQLite链接这两列,以便如果我更新lap_time_ms行,则formatted_elapse将自动进行适当更新。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

In theory, it would be possible to create a trigger to update that column, but only if the formatting can be done with some built-in SQLite function (Android does not allow user-defined functions): 从理论上讲,有可能创建一个触发器来更新该列,但前提是必须使用某些内置SQLite函数 (Android不允许用户定义函数)完成格式化:

CREATE TRIGGER update_formatted_elapse
AFTER UPDATE OF lap_time_ms ON MyTable
    UPDATE MyTable
    SET formatted_elapse = strftime('%M:%f', NEW.lap_time_ms, 'unixepoch')
    WHERE _id = NEW._id;

However, it would be bad design to store the formatted string in the database; 但是,将格式化的字符串存储在数据库中将是一个糟糕的设计。 it would be duplicated information that is in danger of becoming inconsistent. 它将存在重复信息,有可能变得不一致。

Drop the formatted_elapse column and just call getFormattedTime in your code whenever you need it. 删除formatted_elapse列,并在需要时仅在代码中调用getFormattedTime

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