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等效于AngularJS中的Ember Fixture适配器

[英]Equivalent of Ember Fixture Adapter in AngularJS

Has anyone implemented something like the ember fixture adapter in AngularJS for mocking the backend during development? 是否有人在AngularJS中实现了诸如ember Fixture适配器之类的东西来在开发过程中模拟后端?

I see that AngularJS has the $httpBackend for doing unit tests, but can this be used like the ember fixture adapter to run the actual application? 我看到AngularJS具有进行单元测试的$ httpBackend ,但是可以像ember Fixture适配器一样使用它来运行实际的应用程序吗?

If there is nothing currently available, how could this be implemented in a way that allows for an easy transition between fixtures and an actual backend (for dev and prod environments)? 如果当前没有可用的设备,那么如何以一种允许在固定装置和实际后端之间轻松转换(对于开发和生产环境)的方式实现呢?

Personally I prefer using mockjax( https://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax ). 我个人更喜欢使用嘲笑( https://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax )。

    url:  '/colors',
    dataType: 'json',
    responseText: {
        id: 1,
        color: "red"
        id: 2,
        color: "green"
        id: 3,
        color: "blue"

Here's an ember example, but it'd work the exact same in angular. 这是一个余烬示例,但是它在角度上的作用完全相同。

http://emberjs.jsbin.com/OxIDiVU/73/edit http://emberjs.jsbin.com/OxIDiVU/73/edit

It turns out that AngularJS has two services called $httpBackend; 事实证明,AngularJS有两个名为$ httpBackend的服务。 one for unit testing, and the other one is meant for e2e testing or "backend-less" development. 一个用于单元测试, 另一个用于e2e测试或“无后端”开发。 So you can do the following (adapted from the AngularJS docs ) 因此,您可以执行以下操作(改编自AngularJS docs

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);


var myAppDev = angular.module('myAppDev', ['myApp', 'ngMockE2E']);
myAppDev.run(function($httpBackend) {
  phones = [{name: 'phone1'}, {name: 'phone2'}];

  // returns the current list of phones

  // adds a new phone to the phones array
  $httpBackend.whenPOST('/phones').respond(function(method, url, data) {
    var phone = angular.fromJson(data);
    return [200, phone, {}];

angular.bootstrap ($('html'), ['myApp', 'myAppDev']);

Make sure you include a refernce to the ng-mock library. 确保包括对ng-mock库的引用。

Here is a simplified working demo. 是一个简化的工作演示。

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