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iOS UIDynamics附件行为显示了这一行

[英]iOS UIDynamics attachment behavior showing the line


Have a look at the DynamicsCatalog you can find on the apple developer website. 看一下您可以在Apple开发人员网站上找到的DynamicsCatalog You'll see a dashed line which will be drawn inside the class APLDecorationView . 您将看到一条虚线,它将在APLDecorationView类中绘制 UIAttachmentBehavior is just responsible for handling an attachment between specified elements not drawing any connections. UIAttachmentBehavior仅负责处理指定元素之间的附件,而不绘制任何连接。

  1. So if you want to use it inside your project, insert APLDecorationView.h inside your file. 因此,如果要在项目中使用它, APLDecorationView.h在文件中插入APLDecorationView.h
  2. When your UIViews where the rope should be added, have been initialized, use following method: 初始化应在其中添加绳索的UIViews ,请使用以下方法:

  3. Customize inside the method the UIImage which should be displayed and maybe the size. 在方法内部自定义应显示的UIImage以及大小。

In my case it looked like this: 就我而言,它看起来像这样:

[(APLDecorationView *)self trackAndDrawAttachmentFromView:self.viewOne

And this is the modification of my APDecorationView : 这是我的APDecorationView的修改:

    NSInteger iRopeElements = ( isiPad ) ? 15 : 20;
    for (NSUInteger i=0; i < iRopeElements; i++)
        UIImage *ropeElement = [UIImage imageNamed:@"rope_element"];

        CALayer *layerRope = [CALayer layer];
        layerRope.contents = (__bridge id)(ropeElement.CGImage);
        CGFloat fRopeWidth = attachedView.frame.size.width * 0.3f;
        layerRope.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, fRopeWidth, fRopeWidth / 1.64f);
        layerRope.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);

        [self.layer insertSublayer:layerRope atIndex:0];
        [self.attachmentDecorationLayers addObject:layerRope];

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