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[英]Autoscroll ListView in WPF using MVVM

I try to have a list that automatically scrolls to the end when adding a new line. 我尝试有一个添加新行时自动滚动到末尾的列表。

Here is a simple MVVM example in which I want to integrate : 这是我要集成的简单MVVM示例:

There is a button that adds lines to the list when clicked. 单击时有一个按钮可将行添加到列表中。

Model code : 型号代码:

public class Student
    public string Lastname {get; set;}
    public string Firstname {get; set;}

    public Student(string lastname, string firstname) {
        this.Lastname = lastname;
        this.Firstname = firstname;


public class StudentsModel: ObservableCollection<Student>
    private static object _threadLock = new Object();
    private static StudentsModel current = null;

    public static StudentsModel Current {
        get {
            lock (_threadLock)
            if (current == null)
                current = new StudentsModel();

            return current;

    private StudentsModel() {

        for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
            Student aStudent = new Student("Student " + i.ToString(), "Student " + i.ToString());

    public void AddAStudent(String lastname, string firstname) {
        Student aNewStudent = new Student(lastname, firstname);

ViewModel code : ViewModel代码:

public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase

    public StudentsModel Students { get; set; }

    public MainViewModel()
        Students = StudentsModel.Current;

    private ICommand _AddStudent;
    public ICommand AddStudent
            if (_AddStudent == null)
                _AddStudent = new DelegateCommand(delegate()
                    Students.AddAStudent("New Student lastname", "New Student firstname");

            return _AddStudent;

View code : 查看代码:

<Window x:Class="demo.Views.MainView"
    <ListView  Grid.Row="2" BorderBrush="White" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Students}"
                <GridViewColumn Header="Lastname" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Lastname}" />
                <GridViewColumn Header="Firstname" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Firstname}" />

    </ListView >
    <Button Content="Add" Command="{Binding AddStudent}" Margin="601.94,36.866,96.567,419.403" />

Thank you 谢谢

I wrote a simple AttachedProperty that I use to auto-scroll to the bottom when a bound ObservableCollection changes: 我写了一个简单的AttachedProperty,当绑定的ObservableCollection更改时,它用于自动滚动到底部:

public class AutoScroller : Behavior<ScrollViewer>
    public object AutoScrollTrigger 
        get { return (object)GetValue( AutoScrollTriggerProperty ); }
        set { SetValue( AutoScrollTriggerProperty, value ); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty AutoScrollTriggerProperty = 
            typeof( object ), 
            typeof( AutoScroller ), 
            new PropertyMetadata( null, ASTPropertyChanged ) );

    private static void ASTPropertyChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args )
        var ts = d as AutoScroller;            
        if( ts == null )

        // must be attached to a ScrollViewer
        var sv = ts.AssociatedObject as ScrollViewer;

        // check if we are attached to an ObservableCollection, in which case we
        // will subscribe to CollectionChanged so that we scroll when stuff is added/removed
        var ncol = args.NewValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
        // new event handler
        if( ncol != null )
            ncol.CollectionChanged += ts.OnCollectionChanged;

        // remove old eventhandler
        var ocol = args.OldValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
        if( ocol != null )
            ocol.CollectionChanged -= ts.OnCollectionChanged;

        // also scroll to bottom when the bound object itself changes
        if( sv != null && ts.AutoScroll )

    private void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
        App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate {
            (this.AssociatedObject as ScrollViewer).ScrollToBottom();

Note: I use Rx to subscribe to the CollectionChanged event, but that can be done with normal .NET event handling plus Dispatcher.Invoke to get the .ScrollToBottom() call on the UI thread. 注意:我使用Rx来订阅CollectionChanged事件,但是可以通过常规.NET事件处理加上Dispatcher.Invoke来完成,以在UI线程上获取.ScrollToBottom()调用。

Also Note: This attached property is in a Behavior class called TouchScroller, which does other stuff too, but it can be simplified to just a simple attached property. 另请注意:该附加属性在名为TouchScroller的Behavior类中,该类也可以进行其他操作,但是可以将其简化为简单的附加属性。

EDIT: 编辑:

To use it, in the xaml you would simply bind the property from the viewmodel: 要使用它,只需在xaml中绑定视图模型中的属性即可:

<ScrollViewer ...>
        <util:TouchScroller AutoScrollTrigger="{Binding Students}" />


I edited the code to contain a full Behavior. 我编辑了代码以包含完整的行为。 I use a Behavior instead of simpley a static class with an attached behavior because it gives access to .AssociatedObject , which is the ScrollViewer that you need to call .ScrollToBottom() on. 我使用Behavior代替简单的带有附加行为的静态类,因为它可以访问.AssociatedObject ,这是您需要调用.ScrollToBottom()的ScrollViewer。 Without using a behavior, you would have to keep track of these objects manually. 如果不使用任何行为,则必须手动跟踪这些对象。 I also removed the Rx subscription and added simple event handlers and Dispatcher.Invoke. 我还删除了Rx订阅,并添加了简单的事件处理程序和Dispatcher.Invoke。

This is a stripped down and modified version of what I use, but I haven't tested this version. 这是我使用的精简版和修改版,但我尚未测试此版本。

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