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[英]How would I format Zend_Form_Element_Radio so the label comes after the input

I have been trying to implement the solution in an earlier version of this question at: 我一直在尝试在以下问题的早期版本中实现该解决方案:

How would I format Zend_Form_Element_Radio so the label follows the input? 如何设置Zend_Form_Element_Radio的格式,以便标签跟随输入?

By creating an extended helper MyLib_View_Helper_FormRadio but must be missing something obvious with this! 通过创建扩展的帮助器MyLib_View_Helper_FormRadio但是必须缺少一些明显的东西!

My question is how do I get Zend_Form_Element_Radio() to use this now instead of the version of the helper in Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio ? 我的问题是如何让Zend_Form_Element_Radio()立即使用它而不是Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio中的帮助程序版本?

I thought initially that this was done by creating the element with 我最初认为这是通过创建带有

$radio = new MyLib_View_Helper_FormRadio();

but realised its not. 但意识到它不是。

Changing the way the label and input are ordered in the Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio.php does the trick but I realise that the Zend files should not be altered. 更改Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio.php中标签和输入的排序方式可以解决问题,但是我意识到Zend文件不应更改。

If anyone can help me with t his I would be very grateful! 如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激!

In your MyLib_View_Helper_FormRadio class, you have a method, like this (it's an example): MyLib_View_Helper_FormRadio类中,您有一个像这样的方法(这是一个示例):

public function formRadioCustom($name, $value = null, $attribs = null,
    $options = null, $listsep = "<br />\n"){...}

So to call it instead of formRadio of Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio , if I'm not mistaken, you have to do: 因此,要调用它而不是Zend_View_Helper_FormRadioformRadio ,如果我没记错的话,您必须这样做:

 $element->addDecorators(array(array('ViewHelper',array('helper' => 'formRadioCustom'))));

And in your bootstrap add a method to add helper like this: 然后在您的引导程序中添加一个添加辅助程序的方法,如下所示:

protected function _initViewHelpers() {
    $view = new Zend_View();
    $view->->addHelperPath('MyLib/View/Helper/', 'MyLib_View_Helper');

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