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[英]“Attribute Starts With” selector

Good day! 美好的一天! I am using the jQuery plugin jstree together with its search feature. 我正在使用jQuery插件jstree及其搜索功能。 It works only for the first "set" of jstree . 它仅适用于jstree的第一个“集合”。 I used incrementing value of div s and "attribute starts with selector" $('div[id^="jstree"]') (thanks to a stackoverflow user) but it only searches within the first set. 我使用了div s的增量值,并且“属性以选择器开头” $('div[id^="jstree"]') (感谢stackoverflow用户),但它仅在第一个集合内搜索。

@main(Html(""), nav = "map") {

    <a href="@routes.Tags.tree()"> Tree </a> <br><br> 

    <input type="text" id="plugins4_q" placeholder="Search" class="input"> <br><br>

        @for(i <- 0 until first.size()) {
        <div id="jstree@i" class="jstree">
                <li> <span title="@first.get(i).getNotes()"> @first.get(i).getName() </span>
                    @for(rt <- first.get(i).getRelatedTags()) {
                        @if(rt.getRelationship().equals("child")) {
            @if(controllers.Tags.getPeers(first.get(i)) != null) {
                @for(peers <- controllers.Tags.getPeers(first.get(i))) {
                        <li> <span title="@peers.getNotes()"> @peers.getName() </span>
                            @for(rt2 <- peers.getRelatedTags()) {
                                @if(rt2.getRelationship().equals("child")) {
        </div> <hr>

<script src= '@routes.Assets.at("dist/libs/jquery.js")' type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src= '@routes.Assets.at("dist/jstree.min.js")' type="text/javascript"></script>

  $(function () {
    // 6 create an instance when the DOM is ready
          "core" : {
                "animation" : 0,
                "check_callback" : true,
                "themes" : { "stripes" : true }

              "plugins" : [
                            "contextmenu", "dnd", "search",
                            "state", "types", "core", "json_data", "ui", "crrm"
    var to = false;
    $('#plugins4_q').keyup(function () {
      if(to) { clearTimeout(to); }
      to = setTimeout(function () {
        var v = $('#plugins4_q').val();
      }, 250);




Please help me figure this out. 请帮我解决这个问题。 As far as I know the syntax is correct. 据我所知语法是正确的。 Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

Using jstree() as a getter might return only 1 instance(first one as in case of any getter methods in jQuery) so try to use a .each() like 使用jstree()作为getter可能只返回一个实例(第一个实例,与jQuery中的任何getter方法一样),因此请尝试使用.each()

$('div[id^="jstree"]').each(function () {

jstree([arg]) jstree([arg])

If there is an existing instance and arg is not a string the instance itself is returned (similar to $.jstree.reference). 如果存在现有实例,而arg不是字符串,则返回实例本身(类似于$ .jstree.reference)。

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