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[英]Dojo Stacked column chart issues in add total stacked value on the top of stacked

I seem to be having a problem with my dojo stacked column chart. 我的dojo堆积柱形图似乎有问题。 Each stack values are placed "inside" the stacked chart. 每个堆栈值都放置在堆栈图的“内部”。 But I want these stacked totals should be at the top but outside the chart, just above the x axis labels. 但是我希望这些堆叠的总数应该在图表顶部但在x轴标签上方,但在图表外部。 So How do I achieve where the stack totals are displayed just top the stacked columns . 因此,我如何实现堆栈总数显示在堆栈列顶部的位置。 Here is my jsfiddle link . 这是我的jsfiddle 链接 Here i need to show my Total stacked value on the top of bar, as well as tooltip for each stacked value also. 在这里,我需要在栏的顶部显示我的总堆叠值,以及每个堆叠值的工具提示。

Here is my code is 这是我的代码是

   function(Chart, Lines, Default, StackedColumns, Tooltip, ready, SelectableLegend) {
ready(function() {
    var chart1 = new Chart("chart1");
    chart1.title = "stacked chart";
    chart1.addPlot("stackedColumnsPlot", {
        type: StackedColumns,
        lines: true,
        areas: true,
        markers: true,
        labels: true,
        //maxBarSize: 35,
        tension: "2"
chart1.addAxis("x", {  
                      dropLabels: false,
                      labelSizeChange: true,
                      font: "normal normal bold 12px Tahoma", 
                      fontColor: "black",
                     labels: [{"value":1,"text":"A"},{"value":2,"text":"B"},{"value":3,"text":"C"},{"value":4,"text":"D"},{"value":5,"text":"E"},{"value":6,"text":"F"}] 
    chart1.addAxis("y", {title:"Cost",
      fixLower: "major",
      fixUpper: "major", 
       includeZero: true,
     max: 1500,
        vertical: true

    chart1.addSeries("AC",[300,500,500,600,300,280] ,

        plot: "stackedColumnsPlot",
        stroke: {
            color: "#FFFFFF" ,

        fill: "#FFAEAE "
    chart1.addSeries("TV", [244,301,699,620,820,837], {
        plot: "stackedColumnsPlot",
        stroke: {
            color: "#FFFFFF"
        fill: "#FFEC94"
    chart1.addSeries("ACCE", [500,100,100,100,200,250] , {
        plot: "stackedColumnsPlot",
        stroke: {
            color: "#FFFFFF"
        fill: "#B4D8E7"
    chart1.addSeries("OTHER", [100,150,100,700,700,0,800,300,300] , {
        plot: "stackedColumnsPlot",
        stroke: {
            color: "#FFFFFF"
        fill: "#56BAEC"

   new Tooltip(chart1, "stackedColumnsPlot", {
        text: function(chartItem) {
        //return "Rating: " + chartItem.run.data[chartItem.index] + "; Total Value: " + chartItem.y;
          // return  "Comparision Rating: " + chartItem.y;
           return "Value: " + chartItem.run.data[chartItem.index] + "; Stacked Value: " + chartItem.y;


    new SelectableLegend({
        chart: chart1,
        horizontal: true,
    }, "chart1SelectableLegend");

In my experience, when I have a series with first value: 300, and another with first value: 244, the tooltip shows static series name Value:300 and value: 244. when hovering over these series. 以我的经验,当我有一个系列的第一个值:300,另一个具有第一个值:244时,当将鼠标悬停在这些系列上时,工具提示将显示静态系列名称Value:300和value:244。 I would like it to still show AC: 300 and TV: 244 with total stacked value show on the top of the stacked as Total: 544. But I am unble to get this type of value . 我希望它仍然显示AC:300和TV:244,总堆叠值显示为Total:544。但是我无法获得这种类型的值。 Appreciate any help. 感谢任何帮助。

I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve in the end but you can definitely dislpay "AC: 300, TV: 244" by using the following text function: 我不确定100%到底要达到什么目的,但是您可以使用以下文字功能绝对确定“ AC:300,TV:244”:

        text: function(chartItem, plot) {
            return "AC: "+plot.series[0].data[chartItem.index] +
                ", TV: "+plot.series[1].data[chartItem.index];

See also: http://jsfiddle.net/B45PW/3/ 另请参阅: http : //jsfiddle.net/B45PW/3/

EDIT: In your example you are also missing the CSS needed for the tooltip to show up correctly. 编辑:在您的示例中,您还缺少正确显示工具提示所需的CSS。 You need to add: 您需要添加:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dojoinstall/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css">

and use the claro class on your body: 并在您的身体上使用claro类:

<body class="claro">

See: 看到:

http://jsfiddle.net/B45PW/4/ http://jsfiddle.net/B45PW/4/

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