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***错误:Phusion Passenger似乎没有运行

[英]*** ERROR: Phusion Passenger doesn't seem to be running

I have app that is hosted with phusion passanger. 我有托管带有Phusion Passanger的应用程序。 App seems to work just fine for me, but sometimes it just shutdowns. 应用程式似乎对我来说运作良好,但有时只会关机。 Recently I created Cron task that acceses root page each minute so the Passanger wouldn't go to sleep. 最近,我创建了Cron任务,该任务每分钟都带有根页,这样Passanger不会入睡。

It seems to do the work. 似乎可以完成工作。 Spawn time are just litle. 产卵时间只是小菜一碟。

When app shutdowns I tried theese comands suggested by Google search. 当应用关闭时,我尝试了Google搜索建议的这些命令。

touch tmp/restart.txt

no output no change 无输出无变化

passenger-config restart-app /darbs

Output: 输出: ERROR: Phusion Passenger doesn't seem to be running.* 错误:Pusion Passenger似乎没有运行。*

App log files doesn't show any error. 应用日志文件未显示任何错误。

Maybe the Passenger temp directory is being removed by your OS, causing a malfunction. 也许您的操作系统正在删除“乘客”临时目录,从而导致故障。 Try setting PassengerTempDir to a different place: http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#PassengerTempDir 尝试将PassengerTempDir设置到其他位置: http : //www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#PassengerTempDir

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