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[英]PowerShell: break nested loops

There should be a break command in PowerShell that can exit nested loops by assigning a label. PowerShell中应该有一个break命令,可以通过分配标签来退出嵌套循环。 Just it doesn't work. 只是它不起作用。 Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

$timestampServers = @(

:outer for ($retry = 2; $retry -gt 0; $retry--)
    Write-Host retry $retry
    foreach ($timestampServer in $timestampServers)
        Write-Host timestampServer $timestampServer
        & $signtoolBin sign /f $keyFile /p "$password" /t $timestampServer $file
        if ($?)
            Write-Host OK
            break :outer
if ($retry -eq 0)
    WaitError "Digitally signing failed"
    exit 1

It prints the following: 它打印以下内容:

retry 2
timestampServer http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed and timestamped: C:\myfile.dll
retry 1
timestampServer http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed and timestamped: C:\myfile.dll

ERROR: Digitally signing failed

What have I done wrong? 我做错了什么?

Can I have goto and labels, please? 我可以带goto和标签吗?

Using Windows 7 and I guess PS 2.0. 使用Windows 7,我猜PS 2.0。 This script is supposed to run on PS 2 at least. 该脚本应该至少在PS 2上运行。

You do not add the colon when using break with a loop label. 使用带有循环标签的break时,不要添加冒号。 This line: 这一行:

break :outer

should be written like this: 应该这样写:

break outer

For a further demonstration, consider this simple script: 有关进一步演示,请考虑以下简单脚本:

:loop while ($true)
    while ($true)
        break :loop

When executed, it will run forever without breaking. 执行时,它将永远运行而不会中断。 This script however: 但是这个脚本:

:loop while ($true)
    while ($true)
        break loop

exits as it should because I changed break :loop to break loop . 应该退出,因为我改变了break :loopbreak loop

So, I changed the code a bit to make it clear 所以,我稍微更改了代码以使其清楚

$timestampServers = @(

:outer for ($retry = 2; $retry -gt 0; $retry--)
    Write-Host retry $retry
    foreach ($timestampServer in $timestampServers)
        Write-Host timestampServer $timestampServer
        #& $signtoolBin sign /f $keyFile /p "$password" /t $timestampServer $file

        if ($true)

            break :outer
            Write-Host OK
if ($retry -eq 0)
    Write-Error "Digitally signing failed"  ## you have a typo there
    exit 1

This produces the following: 这产生以下结果:

retry 2
timestampServer http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll
retry 1
timestampServer http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll
C:\temp\t.ps1 : Digitally signing failed
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,t.ps1

So, skips Write-Host OK, but also seems to continue to loop. 所以,跳过Write-Host OK,但似乎还在继续循环。 In other words, it acts like 'Continue' statement. 换句话说,它的行为类似于“继续”声明。

Changed it like the folks mentioned to remove ':', although PowerShell documentation does not exclude it: 虽然PowerShell文档没有排除它,但改变它就像提到删除':'的人一样:

 if ($true)

            break outer
            Write-Host OK

I get the correct behavior. 我得到了正确的行为。

retry 2
timestampServer http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll

Long story short... do not use ':' 长话短说...不要使用':'

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