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[英]Unit-testing superclass

I'm trying to figure out how to rewrite the following Objective-C unit-test in Swift : 我试图弄清楚如何在Swift中重写以下Objective-C单元测试:

- (void)testSuperclass {
    Class superclass = [self.animatedView superclass];
    Class expectedSuperclass = [BREAnimatedView class];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(superclass, expectedSuperclass);

I suppose you can do 我想你可以做

func testSuperclass() {
    val superclass = self.animatedView.superclass
    val expectedSuperclass = BREAnimatedView.class()
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(superclass, expectedSuperclass)

but I'd be glad to see if there's a better way. 但我很高兴看到是否有更好的方法。

I believe this should work: 我相信这应该有效:

func testSuperclass() {
    XCTAssert(self.animatedView is BREAnimatedView)

It's slightly different than your original condition, which tests if BREAnimatedView is the direct superclass of the view, whereas this just tests if the view inherits from BREAnimatedView . 它与原始条件略有不同,后者会测试BREAnimatedView是否是视图的直接超类,而这只是测试视图是否继承自BREAnimatedView

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