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将C ++基本类型向量转换为Java基本类型数组

[英]convert c++ primitive type vector to java primitive type array

I'm using a third party C++ API for my project and it has functions with return values with types std::vector<int> , std::vector<bool> , std::vector<double> . 我正在为我的项目使用第三方C ++ API,它具有带有返回值的函数,这些返回值的类型为std::vector<int>std::vector<bool>std::vector<double> I need to pass variables with these types to Java. 我需要将具有这些类型的变量传递给Java。 So I'm using JNI and my function has return values with types jintArray , jbooleanArray , jdoubleArray . 所以我使用的是JNI,我的函数具有类型为jintArrayjbooleanArrayjdoubleArray返回值。

I'm using following code to convert double type: 我正在使用以下代码转换double类型:

std::vector<double> data;
//fill data
jdouble *outArray = &data[0];
jdoubleArray outJNIArray = (*env).NewDoubleArray(data.size());  // allocate
if (NULL == outJNIArray) return NULL;
(*env).SetDoubleArrayRegion(outJNIArray, 0 , data.size(), outArray);  // copy
return outJNIArray;

I've no problem with this code block. 我没有这个代码块的问题。 But when I want to do this for int and bool types there is a problem at the following: 但是,当我要对intbool类型执行此操作时,以下内容会出现问题:

std::vector<int> data;
//fill data
jint *outArray = &data[0];


std::vector<bool> data;
//fill data
jboolean *outArray = &data[0];

The problem is with definitions of jint and jboolean , since: 问题在于jintjboolean定义,因为:

typedef long            jint;
typedef unsigned char   jboolean;

and for jdouble : 对于jdouble

typedef double          jdouble;

As, you can see my convenient solution for double doesn't work for int and bool types since their typedefs doesn't match. 就像您看到的那样,我方便的double解决方案不适用于intbool类型,因为它们的typedef不匹配。

So, my question is how can I do this conversion for all primitive types conveniently ? 因此,我的问题是如何方便地对所有原始类型进行此转换?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Since the data types might have different sizes you have to copy the vector. 由于数据类型的大小可能不同,因此必须复制向量。 The simplest way to do this is 最简单的方法是

std::vector<jboolean> tmp(data.begin(), data.end());
jboolean *outArray = &tmp[0];

Of course, you can allocate the jBooleanArray and set the elements in a for loop or write a wrapper for it that behaves like an STL container. 当然,您可以分配jBooleanArray并在for循环中设置元素,或为其编写包装器,使其表现像STL容器。

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