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[英]drupal - Change the view in the module

I want to change the view of the module depending on the Url. 我想根据网址更改模块的视图。 All in php. 所有在PHP。 I created two views putting this data: 我创建了两个放置此数据的视图:

function config_services_block_info() {   
 $blocks['config_services'] = array(
   // The name that will appear in the block list.
   'info' => t('Services'),
   // Default setting.
   'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE,   );   
 $blocks['orderservices'] = array(
   // The name that will appear in the block list.
   'info' => t('Order Services'),
   // Default setting.
   'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE,   );
 return $blocks; 

function config_services_block_view($delta = '') {   switch ($delta) {
  case 'config_services':
    block[content] = ...;
    return block;
  case 'orderservices':
    block[content] = ...;
    return block;
  break;   } }

function config_services_menu() {   $items = array();  
  $items['config_services/orderservices'] = array(
  'title' => t('Order Services'),
  'page callback' => array('_config_services_orderservices_page'),
  'access arguments' => array('order config_services content'),
  'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, //Will appear in block.   );   return $items; }

In _config_services_orderservices_page() I think this but no work: 在_config_services_orderservices_page()中,我认为这是没有用的:

function _config_services_orderservices_page() {

The first view works, the problem is when I want the second view. 第一个视图有效,问题是当我想要第二个视图时。 How I change the view for the url: http:(slash)(slash) name-web /config_services/orderservices 我如何更改URL的视图:http :(斜杠)(斜杠) name-web / config_services / orderservices

Depending on the condition you want to change the view, the condition could be checked inside _config_services_orderservices_page() function, and specific block could be displayed. 根据您要更改视图的条件,可以在_config_services_orderservices_page()函数中检查条件,并可以显示特定的块。

function _config_services_orderservices_page() {
  if (your_condition == 'orderservices') {
  if (other_condition == 'config_services') {

On a side note, view in Drupal means something totally different. 附带一提,Drupal中的视图意味着完全不同的东西。 It is the most popular and most used module overall. 总体而言,它是最流行和最常用的模块。 Please visit the project page , and the documentation . 请访问项目页面文档
And what you refer to is about blocks . 您所指的是关于块的

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