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[英]printing a list of persons with more than one home, each home with more than one phone number

I have a class Person which can have several Homes, each one with one or many Phone numbers. 我有一类人,可以有多个房屋,每个房屋有一个或多个电话号码。

I have defined the classes, but now i am trying to create a view wich list every person, with all its homes and all the phone numbers for each home address... something like: 我已经定义了类,但是现在我试图创建一个列出每个人的视图,列出每个人的所有住所以及每个住所地址的所有电话号码……例如:

john smith
123 fake str
321 oak road

peter guy
453 north ave...

so far i have something like this: 到目前为止,我有这样的事情:

(on my views.py) (在我的views.py上)

def ViewAll(request):
  people = Person.objects.all()
  render_to_response('viewall.html', {'people': people})

(and on my template) (以及我的模板上)

{% for guy in people %} 
  {{ guy.name }}
  {% if person.home_address_set.all %}
    {{ home_address }}

    {% for ?????? in ???? %}
      #print phone numbers in each home
    {% endfor %}

  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

any idea of how to write the for I'm missing? 关于如何写我的想法不见了吗? of course, if there is another way (a better more elegant or efficient way) of doing what I need, I would love to hear it. 当然,如果有另一种方式(更好,更优雅或更有效的方式)来做我需要的事情,我很想听听。

You have what appears to be three nested collections: Person, Home, Phone Number. 您似乎拥有三个嵌套的集合:“人”,“家”,“电话号码”。

Step 1 - How would you write this in a view function? 第1步-如何在视图函数中编写代码?

for p in Person.objects.all():
    print "person", p
    for h in p.home_address_set.all():
         print " home", h
         for ph in h.phone_set.all():
             print "  phone", ph

Don't omit this step. 不要忽略这一步。 If you can't make it work in a view function, your model is wrong. 如果您无法使其在视图函数中工作,则您的模型是错误的。 Take the time to get this part right. 花点时间把这部分做好。

Step 2 - Convert this into template syntax. 步骤2-将其转换为模板语法。

{% for p on people %}
    {% for h in p.home_address_set.all %}
        {% fpr ph in h.phone_set.all %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} 

The results should be the same as your view function. 结果应与您的视图功能相同。

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