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[英]solr query to search for blank fields

I have apache solr search version 1.4 我有Apache Solr搜索版本1.4

i want to search for all blank field but it's not working 我想搜索所有空白字段,但无法正常工作

query is : 查询是:


using -l_occupation_code:[* TO *] to find all records for field l_occupation_code that contains the blank value. 使用-l_occupation_code:[* TO *]查找包含空白值的字段l_occupation_code的所有记录。

please help 请帮忙

I would try a slight variation of what you have here: 我会尝试对您在此处的内容进行一些更改:

-l_occupation_code:["" TO *]

there can be some variation from the documentation currently online due to versions and field type. 由于版本和字段类型不同,当前在线文档可能会有一些差异。

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