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[英]Styling multiple items CSS one tag

I have a table with a bunch of items, say 20. Every other row has a specific background color and the items in the cell do as well. 我的桌子上有一堆物品,比如20。每隔一行都有特定的背景颜色,单元格中的物品也是如此。

I achieve this with the following piece of CSS: 我通过以下CSS实现了这一点:

#item_list tr:nth-child(even), 
#item_list tr:nth-child(even) input[type="text"], 
#item_list tr:nth-child(even) input[type="number"] {
    background-color: #d4d4d4;

My question is whether there is a neater way to end up with the same styling? 我的问题是,是否有一种更整洁的方式来结束相同的样式? Specifically without the repetition of 特别是没有重复

#item_list tr:nth-child(even)

or not? 或不?

Not using CSS. 不使用CSS。

If you use a pre-processor such as SASS or LESS then you could get syntax like: 如果使用预处理器(例如SASS或LESS),则可以得到如下语法:

#item_list tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #d4d4d4;

    input[type="number"] {
        background-color: #d4d4d4;

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