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[英]Remote postgres database on Heroku app

How can i connect my Heroku app to a Postgres database hosted on amazon EC2 without any paid addon? 我如何将Heroku应用程序连接到Amazon EC2上托管的Postgres数据库,而无需任何付费插件? I am using Django and my current code is: 我正在使用Django,当前代码为:

DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://postgres:xxx@publicip/dbname')}

but i am still getting connected to my local database instead.. 但是我仍然可以连接到本地数据库。

Your application is likely connecting to a free Postgres database as defined by the DATABASE_URL environment variable. 您的应用程序可能已连接到由DATABASE_URL环境变量定义的免费Postgres数据库。 You should use config:set to set that variable to point to your remote database, and ensure your code connects to that DATABASE_URL : 您应该使用config:set将该变量设置为指向您的远程数据库,并确保您的代码连接到该DATABASE_URL

$ heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:xxx@publicip/dbname --app your_app

See also: 也可以看看:

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