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Python部署到Google App Engine

[英]Python deploy to Google App Engine

I am trying python project deploy to GAE. 我正在尝试将python项目部署到GAE。 But I am giving this error message "Line 14, column 1: Expected scalar for String type but found: sequence start" 但我给出此错误消息“第14行,第1列:字符串类型的预期标量,但发现:序列开始”

can you help me please 你能帮我吗

app.yaml 的app.yaml

application: app_name    #.appspot.com
version: baseline

runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes 

default_expiration: 1h

# Deferred is built in to Ferris. Do not enable it, it may lead to import errors.
- appstats: on  # Also turn on appstats in settings.py

- ferris/include.yaml
# If plugins require inculdes, put them here.

- name: jinja2
  version: latest
- name: lxml
  version: latest
- name: webapp2
  version: latest
- name: webob
  version: latest

- ^(.*/)?app\.ya?ml
- ^(.*/)?index\.ya?ml
- ^(.*/)?#.*#
- ^(.*/)?.*~
- ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]
- ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*
- ^(.*/)?\..*
- ^(.*/)?.*\.scss
- ^(.*/)?.*\.less
- ^/docs*

# Main script
- url: .*
  script: main.main_app
  login: required

include.yaml file content is here include.yaml文件内容在这里

# Static resources
- url: /static
  static_dir: app/static

- url: /css
  static_dir: app/static/css

- url: /js
  static_dir: app/static/js

- url: /img
  static_dir: app/static/img

# Ferris static resources
- url: /ferris/static
  static_dir: ferris/static
  expiration: 7d

- url: /ferris/css
  static_dir: ferris/static/css
  expiration: 7d

- url: /ferris/js
  static_dir: ferris/static/js
  expiration: 7d

- url: /ferris/img
  static_dir: ferris/static/img
  expiration: 7d

- url: /ferris/fonts
  static_dir: ferris/static/fonts
  expiration: 7d

# Top-level static files
- url: /favicon\.ico
  static_files: app/static/favicon.ico
  upload: app/static/favicon\.ico
  expiration: 7d

- url: /robots\.txt
  static_files: app/static/robots.txt
  upload: app/static/robots\.txt
  expiration: 7d

- url: /humans\.txt
  static_files: app/static/humans.txt
  upload: app/static/humans\.txt
  expiration: 7d

# Maps plugins/{plugin}/static to /plugins/{plugin} 
- url: /plugins/(.*?)/(.*)
  static_files: plugins/\1/static/\2
  upload: plugins/(.*?)/static/(.*)

# Cron prefix is admin-only.
- url: /cron/.*
  script: main.main_app
  login: admin

# Used to fix imports before running deffered tasks.
- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
  script: main.deferred_app
  login: admin

Inspecting the error 检查错误

Expected scalar for String type but found: sequence start" 字符串类型的预期标量,但发现:序列开始“

What is a scalar type? 什么是标量类型?
A scalar is a "single" value - integer, boolean, perhaps a string 标量是一个“单一”值 - 整数,布尔值,也许是一个字符串

Checking the docs 检查文档

expiration 呼气

Optional. 可选的。 The length of time a static file served by this handler ought to be cached by web proxies and browsers. 此处理程序提供的静态文件的时间长度应由Web代理和浏览器缓存。 The value is a string of numbers and units , separated by spaces, where units can be d for days, h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds. 该值是一个由空格分隔的数字和单位 的字符串 ,其中单位可以是d表示天数, h表示小时数, m表示分钟数, s表示秒数。 For example, "4d 5h" sets cache expiration to 4 days and 5 hours after the file is first requested. 例如, "4d 5h"将缓存过期设置为首次请求文件后的4天和5小时。 See Static cache expiration. 请参阅静态缓存过期。 If omitted, the application's default_expiration is used. 如果省略,则使用应用程序的default_expiration。

Inspecting your files 检查您的文件

At several points in ferris/include.yaml you have blocks like this that use expiration ferris / include.yaml的几个点,你有这样的块使用expiration

- url: /ferris/fonts
  static_dir: ferris/static/fonts
  expiration: 7d

After having read the docs we know it expects a string (which is a scalar type) and you are giving it 7d which it supposedly recognizes as a sequence start as mentioned in the error. 在阅读了文档后,我们知道它需要一个字符串(这是一个标量类型)并且你给它7d ,它应该识别为错误中提到的序列开始


The solution should be as simple as changing all values for expiration to be strings, for example 例如,解决方案应该像将expiration所有值更改为字符串一样简单

- url: /ferris/fonts
  static_dir: ferris/static/fonts
  expiration: "7d"

Note the inserted double quotes. 请注意插入的双引号。

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