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如何访问位于DataTemplate标签的文本框控件 <phone:PanoramaItem.HeaderTemplate> 从代码开始-在后面(MainPage.xaml.cs)

[英]How to access textbox control located in DataTemplate tags of <phone:PanoramaItem.HeaderTemplate> from code - behind (MainPage.xaml.cs)

i have a textbox located in MainPage.xaml : 我在MainPage.xaml中有一个文本框:


                    <TextBox x:Name="src_textbox" Width="400" TextChanged="src_textbox_TextChanged"/>

now in MainPage.xaml.cs , i want to access src_textbox in the event handler src_textbox_TextChanged : 现在在MainPage.xaml.cs中,我想访问src_textbox在事件处理程序src_textbox_TextChanged

the event hanndler is as follows: 事件处理程序如下:

 void src_textbox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)

        string hello = src_textbox.Text();


i get red lines under src_textbox and error says "it is out of current context" . 我在src_textbox下出现src_textbox ,错误提示“它不在当前上下文中”。

How do i access it ? 我如何使用它?

Yeah I faced the same problem. 是的,我遇到了同样的问题。 Solution: 解:

void src_textbox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    TextBox temp_textBox = sender as TextBox;

    string hello = temp_textBox.Text();


You don't need to add name attribute to your TextBox control in the xaml. 您无需在xaml中的TextBox控件中添加名称属性。

Happy Coding!! 快乐编码!

Try this : 尝试这个 :

private void src_textbox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            TextBox txtpanorma = (TextBox)sender;

TextBox.Text is a Property not a method so you cant use () for that. TextBox.Text是Property而不是method因此您不能使用()

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