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Ruby on Rails:控制器和视图可用的常用方法?

[英]Ruby on Rails: Common method available for controllers and views?

I have been working with Ruby on Rails for a short time. 我一直在使用Ruby on Rails很短的时间。 Recently I implemented an authentication system for my application. 最近我为我的应用程序实现了一个认证系统。 I made a method available on 'application_helper.rb' to retrieve the current logged user (method called current_user). 我在'application_helper.rb'上提供了一个方法来检索当前记录的用户(名为current_user的方法)。

The method just retrieves my User object if the session[:user_id] variable is present. 如果session[:user_id]变量存在,该方法只检索我的User对象。

However I face the following problem. 但是我面临以下问题。

  1. If I place the current_user method in ' application_helper.rb ', my controllers can't make use of it 如果我将current_user方法放在' application_helper.rb '中,我的控制器就无法使用它
  2. If I place the current_user method in ' application_controller.rb ', my views can't make use of it 如果我将current_user方法放在' application_controller.rb '中,我的视图就无法使用它

What's the best approach to solve this problem? 解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么? The easy way would be duplicate my code in both controller and helper, but I know there is a better and more correct way. 简单的方法是在控制器和帮助器中复制我的代码,但我知道有更好更正确的方法。

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

This is a common and well-solved problem. 这是一个常见且解决得很好的问题。

Rails doesn't allow controllers to access helper methods. Rails不允许控制器访问辅助方法。 If you want to share a method between your views and controllers, you need to define the method in your controller, and then make it available to your views with helper_method : 如果要在视图和控制器之间共享方法,则需要在控制器中定义方法,然后使用helper_method使其可用于视图:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Bbase

  # Let views access current_user
  helper_method :current_user

  def current_user
    # ...


You can pass more than one method name to helper_method to make additional methods in your controller available to your views: 您可以将多个方法名称传递给helper_method以使控制器中的其他方法可用于您的视图:

  helper_method :current_user, :logged_in?

  def current_user
    # ...

  def logged_in?

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