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Qt Qml-如何在其定义中使用组件?

[英]Qt qml - how to use component in its definition?

I have to implement TreeView in qml . 我必须在qml实现TreeView Basically because each subtree is just TreeView itself, i want to use TreeView component in TreeView definition (this is that Repeater on the end). 基本上因为每个子树都只是TreeView本身,所以我想在TreeView定义中使用TreeView组件(这是最后的Repeater )。

This is part of code where i reference the component i am defining. 这是代码的一部分,其中引用了我正在定义的组件。

You can see that rootDelegate is actually id of the Component . 您可以看到rootDelegate实际上是Component id

Problem is Qt gives error Unable to assign QQuickRow to QQmlComponent 问题是Qt提供错误无法将QQuickRow分配给QQmlComponent

 Repeater {
    model: childrens
    delegate: rootDelegate

TreeView.qml TreeView.qml

import QtQuick 2.0

Component {

    id: rootDelegate

    Column {

        Row {

            id: itemControl
            spacing: 2

            Rectangle {

                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                gradient: Gradient {
                    GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#EEEEEE" }
                    GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#404040" }

                width: openChar.implicitWidth
                height: openChar.implicitHeight - 6
                radius: 3

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor

                Text {
                    id: openChar
                    text: "+"
                    color: "black"
                    anchors.centerIn: parent

            Rectangle {
                height: 1
                color: "#A0A0A0"
                width: 10
                anchors.verticalCenter:  parent.verticalCenter

            Text {
                text: model.text
                color: "white"


        Repeater {
            model: childrens
            delegate: rootDelegate


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