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[英]Github pages and custom tk domain

I'm trying to make my github page to redirect to my custom tk domain but so far nothing works 我正在尝试使我的github页面重定向到我的自定义tk域,但到目前为止没有任何效果

I made a CNAME file in my master branch as you can see in the link below 如您在下面的链接中看到的,我在主分支中创建了一个CNAME文件

https://github.com/lambdaclose/lambdaclose.github.io/tree/master https://github.com/lambdaclose/lambdaclose.github.io/tree/master

And on my tk panel I added domain fowarding to my github page 在我的tk面板上,我向github页面添加了域名转发

You need to make an A or CNAME record that points to GitHub Pages' server. 您需要创建一个指向GitHub Pages服务器的A或CNAME记录。
URL forwarding will not work. URL转发将不起作用。

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