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[英]How to set focus on listbox item?

I have a defined list box like this:我有一个像这样定义的列表框:

var listBox = new ListBox();

And I want to set focus directly to an item in the listbox.我想直接将焦点设置到列表框中的一个项目。

If I do this:如果我这样做:

listBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

The focus is set to the entire listBox, so if I press arrow down to move the selection to the item below, I have to press the arrow twice.焦点设置在整个列表框上,所以如果我按下箭头将选择移动到下面的项目,我必须按下箭头两次。 First time the focus jumps from the entire listBox to the first item, and then when I can press the arrow again and the selection finally jumps down.第一次焦点从整个 listBox 跳转到第一个项目,然后当我可以再次按下箭头时,选择终于向下跳了。

I want to set the focus directly to that first item, so I don't have to press the arrow twice.我想将焦点直接设置到第一项,所以我不必按两次箭头。

var listBoxItem =  


Here's a similar (if not equal) question Setting focus on a ListBox item breaks keyboard navigation这是一个类似(如果不相等)的问题Setting focus on a ListBox item 会破坏键盘导航

And the code (I don't mess with WPF so I can't guarantee this works, but it was accepted on the thread I linked so it might):和代码(我不会弄乱 WPF,所以我不能保证它有效,但它在我链接的线程上被接受,所以它可能):

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    listBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

You can't use Focus.() on a listbox item.您不能在列表框项上使用 Focus.()。 However you can select items which is pretty much the same thing as you are looking to do.但是,您可以选择与您想要做的事情几乎相同的项目。 listbox.SelectedIndex = 0;

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