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用于发布和使用REST的php file_get_contents

[英]php file_get_contents for post and consuming REST

On a sample code I provided for a recent interview, I used file_get_contents for consuming their web service(nothing special sending some custom headers for a POST request). 在我提供给最近一次采访的示例代码中,我使用file_get_contents来使用其Web服务(没什么特别的,它为POST请求发送了一些自定义标头)。 I find other methods like curl unnecessarily complex and verbose and use file_get_contents for most of the "client" stuff I do with PHP. 我发现其他方法(例如curl不必要地复杂且冗长),并在我使用PHP进行的大多数“客户端”工作中使用file_get_contents。

One interviewer argued that, file_get_contents is not recommended for anything but get requests. 一位面试官认为,不建议将file_get_contents用于获取请求。 I did not object on the spot but went back and googled a little bit. 我没有当场反对,但回去谷歌了一下。 Can't find any reliable answers on his assertion of this "commonly known fact" 对于他对这个“众所周知的事实”的断言,找不到任何可靠的答案

Can anyone point at some disadvantages for using file_get_contents in this context? 任何人都可以指出在这种情况下使用file_get_contents的一些缺点吗? Also can anyone point me to a resource where they eliminate file_get_contents as a good practise? 还有谁能指出我的资源来消除file_get_contents是一个好习惯?

Thanks. 谢谢。

From a security perspective, using file_get_contents() is generally not a good idea. 从安全角度来看,使用file_get_contents()通常不是一个好主意。

allow_url_fopen allow_url_fopen

For file_get_contents() to be able to use remote sources, the setting allow_url_fopen must be enabled. 为了使file_get_contents()能够使用远程源,必须启用设置allow_url_fopen But when enabling this setting, all other stream related functions in PHP (like include and require ) are also allowed to use remote sources. 但是,启用此设置后,PHP中所有其他与流相关的功能(例如includerequire )也被允许使用远程源。 This could allow attacks like Remote File Execution . 这可能允许诸如远程文件执行之类的攻击。

When using another tool, like cURL, you can disable allow_url_fopen (it's enabled by default). 使用cURL等其他工具时,您可以禁用allow_url_fopen (默认情况下allow_url_fopen启用状态)。


PHP streams are insecure over SSL/TLS by default. 默认情况下,PHP流在SSL / TLS上不安全。 Luckily this can be corrected, but it does need attention before you can securely use HTTPS/FTPS sources. 幸运的是,可以对此进行更正,但是在安全使用HTTPS / FTPS源之前,确实需要注意这一点。

A remaining issue is that PHP is unable to match Subject Alternative Names in certificates (which many certificates use). 另一个问题是PHP无法匹配证书(许多证书使用的证书)中的使用者备用名称。 This means that (when configured securely) PHP can reject a valid certificate. 这意味着(在安全配置的情况下)PHP可以拒绝有效的证书。 In order to circumvent this, you'll need to disable CN matching, which opens you up to Man In The Middle attacks . 为了避免这种情况,您需要禁用CN匹配,这使您可以进行“中间人攻击”

cURL on the other hand is fully secure by default, and does support SAN matching. 另一方面,cURL默认情况下是完全安全的,并且确实支持SAN匹配。

Survive The Deep End: PHP Security 生存的最深处:PHP安全

Pádraic Brady is writing a book on PHP Security, which has this chapter that you might want to read. PádraicBrady正在写一本有关PHP安全性的书,其中您可能需要阅读这一章

Guzzle uzz

You might want to have a look at Guzzle : 您可能想看看Guzzle

Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to work with HTTP/1.1 and takes the pain out of consuming web services. Guzzle是一个PHP HTTP客户端,可以轻松使用HTTP / 1.1,并减轻了使用Web服务的麻烦。 It uses cURL by default. 默认情况下,它使用cURL。

You can use file_get_contents() for more than simple GET requests, by passing a stream_context . 通过传递stream_context ,可以将file_get_contents()用于简单的GET请求以外的其他操作。 But then it will soon get as complex as with cURL or others, while being (IMHO) less intuitive. 但是随后,它将很快变得与cURL或其他URL一样复杂,而(IMHO)则不那么直观。

It is true, as pointed out by Jasper, that file_get_contents() requires allow_url_fopen=1 , which again may be a security threat. 正如Jasper所指出的, file_get_contents()确实需要allow_url_fopen=1 ,这再次可能是安全威胁。 However, allow_url_fopen is active on most hosts anyway, and personally I think there are worse security pitfalls in PHP. 但是,allow_url_fopen无论如何在大多数主机上都是活动的,而且我个人认为PHP中存在更严重的安全隐患。

My conclusion would be: If you build an application only for yourself, use file_get_contents() or cURL. 我的结论是:如果仅为自己构建应用程序,请使用file_get_contents()或cURL。 If you need portability, use one of the libraries that implement HTTP clients on raw sockets, such as Snoopy. 如果需要可移植性,请使用在原始套接字上实现HTTP客户端的库之一,例如Snoopy。

Best for this use Curl. 最适合此用途的Curl。 The fact that Curl has many settings: Curl具有许多设置的事实:

  • The ability to specify a timeout request 可以指定超时请求
  • The ability to choose GET or POST 选择GET或POST的能力
  • The ability to pass cookies 传递cookie的能力
  • The ability to use the BASIC AUTH 使用基本身份验证的能力
  • etc 等等

for all of these and other such things is difficult to use file_get_contents. 对于所有这些以及其他此类事情,很难使用file_get_contents。 To use the curl was not so difficult i recommend write a wrapper class. 要使用curl并不是那么困难,我建议编写一个包装器类。

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