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[英]WPF Menu item right alignment

I have the following menu. 我有以下菜单。 I am trying to right align the content of the menu. 我正在尝试右对齐菜单的内容。

<Menu Grid.ColumnSpan="3">
        <MenuItem Header="Items">
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                        <TextBlock Text="Item 1" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
                        <Button Grid.Column="1" Content="E" />
                        <Button Grid.Column="2" Content="D" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
                        <TextBlock Text="Item 2" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
                        <Button Grid.Column="1" Content="E" />
                        <Button Grid.Column="2" Content="D" />

What is displayed is as below: 显示内容如下:

 Item 1 D E       |
 Item 2 D E       |

There is still lot of space left after E. E之后仍然有很多空间。

What I am expecting is: 我期望的是:

 Item 1       D E |
 Item 2       D E |

I want the D and E to be aligned to the right where as the Item 1 and Item 2 are aligned to the left. 我希望D和E对齐到右边,其中项1和项2对齐到左边。

I tried playing with HorizontalAlignment with no help to find the answer. 我尝试在没有帮助的情况下使用Horizo​​ntalAlignment来寻找答案。

You can use DockPanel instead of Grid for that purpose. 为此,可以使用DockPanel而不是Grid。 Also try to set Width of your menu items explicitly. 另外,尝试显式设置菜单项的宽度。 Like this: 像这样:

            <DockPanel LastChildFill="False" Width="250">
                <TextBlock Text="Item 1" DockPanel.Dock="Left" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
                <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="E" />
                <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="D" />

I'm more of a dockpanel type of guy. 我更像是码头工人。 How about you try: 您如何尝试:

        <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
            <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="E" />
            <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Content="D" />

            <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left" Text="Item 1" />

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