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[英]Sorting domain class properties with respect to another domain class properties

I've two domain classes 我有两个领域课程

1. CustomerInterest.groovy 1. CustomerInterest.groovy

static hasMany = [activities:Activity]
static belongsTo=[customer:Customer,projectProperty:ProjectProperty]

static mapping={
        activities sort:'dateCreated',order:'desc'

2. Activity.groovy 2. Activity.groovy

Date dateCreated

static belongsTo = [customerInterest:CustomerInterest, employee:Employee]

In a controller i am doing this.. 在控制器中,我正在这样做。

def customerDetails(Customer customer)

      def customerInterest=customer.customerInterests
       render view:"customerDetails",model:[customerInterest:customerInterest]

customerDetails.gsp customerDetails.gsp

<g:each in="${customerInterest}" var="ci">

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Question: I want to sort CustomerInterest on property dateCreated of Activity domain. 问题:我想对Activity域的属性dateCreated排序CustomerInterest

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Any help as soon as possible would be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。


def customerInterest=customer.customerInterests.sort { it.activities.dateCreated }

Instead of using the sort order in the mappings definition, you can use the old java Comparable -interface: 您可以使用旧的Java Comparable -interface来代替在映射定义中使用排序顺序:

class Foo implements Comparable {

  int compareTo(anotherObject) {
    // complex logic returning -1 or 0 or 1

Then you can call listOfFoos.sort() and it will sort it with the help of the compareTo-method. 然后,您可以调用listOfFoos.sort() ,它将在compareTo-method的帮助下对其进行排序。

Beware that (equals) == will also use this method, so ensure that (only) identical objects will return 0. 注意(等于) ==也将使用此方法,因此请确保(仅)相同的对象将返回0。

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