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[英]How to find if a string contains “ONLY” Special characters in java

Suppose I define a String as: 假设我将String定义为:

String splChrs      = "/-@#$%^&_-+=()" ;

String inputString = getInputString();  //gets a String from end the user

I want to check if String " inputString " contains ONLY special characters contained in String " splChrs " ie I want to set a boolean flag as true if inputString contained only characters present in " splChrs " 我想检查String“ inputString ”是否包含字符串“ splChrs ”中包含的特殊字符,即如果inputString只包含“ splChrs ”中包含的字符,我想将布尔标志设置为true

eg:  String inputString = "#######@";  //set boolean flag=true

And boolean flag is set as false if it contained any letters that did not contain in " splChrs " 如果布尔标志包含“ splChrs ”中不包含的任何字母,则将其设置为false

eg:  String inputString = "######abc"; //set boolean flag=false

You can use: 您可以使用:

String splChrs = "-/@#$%^&_+=()" ;
boolean found = inputString.matches("[" + splChrs + "]+");

PS: I have rearranged your characters in splChrs variable to make sure hyphen is at starting to avoid escaping. PS:我已经在splChrs变量中重新排列了你的字符,以确保连字符开始避免转义。 I also removed a redundant (and problematic) hyphen from middle of the string which would otherwise give different meaning to character class (denoted range). 我还从字符串的中间删除了一个冗余的(并且有问题的)连字符,否则它将赋予字符类不同的含义(表示范围)。

Thanks to @AlanMoore for this note about character in character class: 感谢@AlanMoore关于字符类中字符的说明:

^ if it's listed first; ^如果它首先列出; ] if it's not listed first; 如果它没有列在第一位; [ anywhere; [任何地方; and & if it's followed immediately by another & . 并且&如果紧接着另一个&

Try this, 试试这个,

if(inputString.matches("[" + splChrs + "]+")){

// set bool to true

// set bool to false

don't invent bicycle, 'cause all those tasks are common mostly to everyone. 不要发明自行车,因为所有这些任务对每个人来说都很常见。 I suggest using Apache Commons lib where it's possible: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-2.6/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtils.html#containsOnly%28java.lang.String,%20char[]%29 我建议尽可能使用Apache Commons lib: http//commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-2.6/org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtils.html#containsOnly%28java.lang。串,%20char []%29

containsOnly containsOnly

public static boolean containsOnly(String str, char[] valid) public static boolean containsOnly(String str,char [] valid)

Checks if the String contains only certain characters.

A null String will return false. A null valid character array will return false. An empty String (length()=0) always returns true.

 StringUtils.containsOnly(null, *)       = false
 StringUtils.containsOnly(*, null)       = false
 StringUtils.containsOnly("", *)         = true
 StringUtils.containsOnly("ab", '')      = false
 StringUtils.containsOnly("abab", 'abc') = true
 StringUtils.containsOnly("ab1", 'abc')  = false
 StringUtils.containsOnly("abz", 'abc')  = false

    str - the String to check, may be null
    valid - an array of valid chars, may be null 
    true if it only contains valid chars and is non-null

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