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[英]convert double values in decimal (fraction) values java

I have below code: 我有以下代码:

Double a = new Double((123456798/1000000)); //123456798 this value comes from client side as a `int`
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.###");            
log.info("a :"+a+" df "+df.format(a.doubleValue()));

output: 输出:

a :123.0 df 123
//i want output like this, a :123.xxx fd 123.xxx

please help 请帮忙


123456798 this value comes from client side as a int so i cant do it as 123456798.0 (or something) 123456798此值来自客户端,作为int所以我无法将其作为123456798.0(或其他方式)

123456798 and 1000000 are int literals, so dividing them will use integer arithmetic, and yield 123 . 1234567981000000int文字,因此将它们相除将使用整数算术,并产生123 Instead, you could use floating point literals in order to use floating point arithmetic: 相反,您可以使用浮点文字,以便使用浮点算法:

Double a = new Double((123456798.0/1000000.0));
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.###");            
log.info("a :"+a+" df "+df.format(a.doubleValue()));

Any one value in the division should be float or double. 除法中的任何一个值都应为float或double。

Double a = new Double((123456798.0/1000000));

or 要么

Double a = new Double((123456798/1000000.0));

if you are getting these values in variables, then multiply it with 1.0 如果要通过变量获取这些值,则将其multiply it with 1.0

like 喜欢

Double a = new Double((variable*1.0/1000000));

Put it like that 这样说

Double a = new Double((123456798.0/1000000.0)); // <- note ".0"

the reason of the misbehavior is the integer division : 行为不当的原因是整数除法


is the integer value, while 数值,而


is the floating point one (double) 浮点数一(双)

Double a = new Double((123456798/1000000));

You are doing integer division here. 您正在这里进行整数除法。 Make one of the constants a double , so that floating-point division is done. 将常量之一设为double ,以便完成浮点除法。 Also, why are you using Double ? 另外,为什么要使用Double It's better to use the primitive type double . 最好使用原始类型double

double a = 123456798.0 / 1000000;

Or simply, since they are constants: 或者简单地说,因为它们是常量:

double a = 123.456789;


Double a = new Double(123456798.0/1000000);

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