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[英]On windows, the CORS preflight OPTIONS request is sent and returned, but then the PUT request will hang 'pending' indefinitely

I have been developing node.js web and desktop applications that communicate with each other via Express.js. 我一直在开发通过Express.js相互通信的node.js Web和桌面应用程序。

The web app will send CORS PUT requests to the desktop client, and then the desktop client will perform some set of functionality. 该Web应用程序会将CORS PUT请求发送到桌面客户端,然后桌面客户端将执行某些功能。

On Mac, the CORS preflight OPTIONS request will be sent and returned, and then the PUT request will be properly sent and returned. 在Mac上,将发送并返回CORS预检OPTIONS请求,然后将正确发送和返回PUT请求。 On windows however, the CORS preflight OPTIONS request is sent and returned, but then the PUT request will hang 'pending' indefinitely. 但是,在Windows上,将发送并返回CORS预检OPTIONS请求,但随后PUT请求将无限期挂起“挂起”。 There is no indication that the request has been received by the desktop client, not that it has simply failed to send a response. 没有迹象表明桌面客户端已接收到该请求,而不是表明它只是未能发送响应。 This will occur using IE10+, Chrome, or Firefox. 这将使用IE10 +,Chrome或Firefox发生。

Does the PC happen to have Sophos installed on it? PC上是否恰好安装了Sophos? Sophos has this awesome feature where it makes your life a living hell. Sophos具有这一令人敬畏的功能,可以使您的生活变成现实。

I only have a screenshot of the preference on Mac, but I assume you can find a similar preference pane. 在Mac上,我只有首选项的屏幕截图,但是我想您可以找到类似的首选项窗格。


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