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[英]Voting in voter controller for multiple models passing polymorphic/duck typed object variable

I am trying to implement voting for various models: Character, Universe models. 我正在尝试对各种模型进行投票:角色模型,宇宙模型。 I have some vote buttons on their respective show templates via a single DRY rendered partial. 我通过单个DRY渲染的部分在各自的显示模板上有一些投票按钮。 This means I need to make that partial agnostic to the model when I pass that model to the controller logic that creates the vote record. 这意味着当我将模型传递给创建投票记录的控制器逻辑时,我需要对该模型进行部分不可知的处理。

So yes, I am wondering if it is possible to have this kind of duck typed variable passing to a votes controller, rather than repeating the vote creation logic in each of the Character and Universe controller. 所以是的,我想知道是否有可能将这种鸭子类型的变量传递给投票控制器,而不是在每个Character and Universe控制器中重复投票创建逻辑。

How do I make this sort of duck typed variable passing using path helpers, votes partials, and votes controllers? 如何使用路径助手,投票局部和投票控制器使此类鸭子类型变量传递? Or should I just repeat the code in each votable model? 还是我应该在每个可移植模型中重复代码?

FYI: Naturally, the votes is polymorphic to the two models. 仅供参考:自然,两个模型的投票是多态的。 I am using acts_as_votable gem https://github.com/ryanto/acts_as_votable 我正在使用acts_as_votable gem https://github.com/ryanto/acts_as_votable

_vote.html.haml _vote.html.haml

  = link_to image_tag("upvote.png"), votes_upvote_path(), method: :post, remote: true
  %span=# @comment.get_upvotes.sum(:vote_weight)
  = link_to image_tag("downvote.png"), votes_downvote_path(), method: :post, remote: true

^ Do I pass a duck type variable to the paths?, If so, how/where do I define the duck type variable? ^是否将鸭子类型变量传递到路径?,如果是,如何/在哪里定义鸭子类型变量?

(Note: i'm trying to vote via AJAX, but feel free to ignore the ajax related code like remote: true) (注意:我正在尝试通过AJAX进行投票,但可以忽略与ajax相关的代码,例如remote:true)

character.rb character.rb

class Character < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_votable # creates a polymorphic association with votes

universe.rb universe.rb

class Universe < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_votable # creates a polymorphic association with votes

votes_controller.rb votes_controller.rb

class VotesController < ApplicationController

  before_action :check_if_voted(@votable)

  def upvote
    #votable.vote_up current_user


  def downvote(votable)
    #votable.vote_down current_user

Iis it valid to have parameters on actions? 在动作上设置参数是否有效? or do you just use params[]? 还是只使用params []?

Iis it valid to have parameters on actions? 在动作上设置参数是否有效? or do you just use params[]? 还是只使用params []?

You can not have parameters at public actions, all the data should be parsed from params[] 您不能在公共操作中使用参数,应从params []解析所有数据

How do I make this sort of duck typed variable passing using path helpers, votes partials, and votes controllers? 如何使用路径助手,投票局部和投票控制器使此类鸭子类型变量传递? Or should I just repeat the code in each votable model? 还是我应该在每个可移植模型中重复代码?

Assuming voting procedure is the same for both models, consider using concerns : 假设两种模型的投票程序相同,请考虑使用关注点

config/application.rb 配置/ application.rb中

 module YourApplicationName
   class Application < Rails::Application
     config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/app/controllers/concerns)

app/controllers/concerns/voting_controller.rb 应用程序/控制器/关切/ voting_controller.rb

module VotingController
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_filter :obtain_resources, only: [:upvote, :downvote]

  def upvote
    # here goes your upvoting logics, something like
    # @object.liked_by user1, :vote_weight => 1
    # the @object variable has already been set in obtain_resource filter
    # other params should be catched up from the params hash

  def downvote
    # here goes your downvoting logics

  def obtain_resources
    # here we retrieve the name of a particular controller which triggered this action
    model = controller_name.singularize.camelize.constantize
    @object = model.find(params[:id])

In case you prefer using meaningful variable names instead of just @object , you can do this kind of thing: 如果您更喜欢使用有意义的变量名而不是@object ,则可以执行以下操作:

# app/controllers/concerns/voting_controller.rb
def obtain_resources
  model = controller_name.singularize.camelize.constantize
  instance_name = controller_name.singularize
  # here you get @universe or @character
  instance_variable_set "@#{instance_name}", model.find(params[:id])

Then in your controllers you should include that concern: 然后,在您的控制器中,您应该包括以下问题:

class UniverseController < ApplicationController
  include VotingController
  # that's all, you should not implement voting actions here as they are included from VotingController

class CharactersController < ApplicationController
  include VotingController

You should also be sure to set appropriate routes in your config/routes.rb file, so that upvote and downvote actions exist in both of the controllers. 您还应该确保在config / routes.rb文件中设置适当的路由,以便两个控制器中存在upvotedownvote操作。 As you could already understand, you should pass upvote_universe_path or upvote_characters_path to your partial to make this work (same for the downvoting). 如您已经了解的那样,您应该将upvote_universe_pathupvote_characters_path传递给您的部分服务器,以使此工作有效(与下一次upvote_universe_path相同)。 Each route should pass id of the object to controller's action. 每个路由都应将对象的id传递给控制器​​的操作。

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