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Google Maps在折线上获取LatLng

[英]Google Maps get LatLng on polyline

I'm trying to get a marker (LatLon object) for a specific distance on top of a polyline on a Google Map. 我正在尝试在Google地图上的折线上方获取特定距离的标记(LatLon对象)。

Using the GetPointAtDistance function of epolys.js , I'm getting a point on the map that seems correct, but it is a little "off" the Polyline that the map generated. 使用epolys.jsGetPointAtDistance函数,我在地图上得到了一个看似正确的点,但是它稍微偏离了地图生成的折线。

Here is an example I put together to demonstrate my issue: http://jsfiddle.net/S7VPz/2/ 这是我汇总来说明我的问题的示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/S7VPz/2/

Preferably, I would also like to use a geodesic polyline instead of a straight one. 优选地,我也想使用测地线而不是直线。

对于此特定的折线(两点之间的测地线), google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate()似乎很完美: http : //jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/2nAgr/

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