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[英]Google Charts: Date Error

I am using the Google Visualization API to generate an annotation chart. 我正在使用Google Visualization API生成注释图表。 I fetch articles and their dates from my database. 我从我的数据库中获取文章及其日期。 The dates are in the string format 'YYYYMMDD'. 日期采用字符串格式“YYYYMMDD”。

While creating the data table for the chart, I am using the following code to add the date. 在为图表创建数据表时,我使用以下代码添加日期。

dataTable.addColumn('date', 'ArticleDate');
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'ArticleInfo');
            var yearValue = parseInt(searchResultsJSON[i].date.substr(0,4));
            var monthValue = parseInt(searchResultsJSON[i].date.substr(4,6)) - 1;
            var dayValue = parseInt(searchResultsJSON[i].date.substr(6,8));
            dataTable.addRow([Date(yearValue,monthValue,dayValue),'<a class=\"tooltipLink\" onclick=\"getDoc(\''+searchResultsJSON[i].path+'\');return false;\">'+searchResultsJSON[i].title+'</a><br/\><br/\>']);

Now, I would like to know the number of articles on each day, so I run an aggregation query on the datatable. 现在,我想知道每天的文章数量,所以我在数据表上运行聚合查询。

var result = google.visualization.data.group(dataTable,[0],[{'column': 0, 'aggregation': google.visualization.data.count, 'type': 'date'}]);

However, I am stuck at this point with an error with the date format. 但是,我在这一点上遇到了日期格式错误。

Error: Type mismatch. Value Mon Jun 16 2014 13:08:20 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) does not match type date in column index 0
at Error (native)

This has taken most of the morning and is really holding up progress. 这是早上大部分时间,并且确实取得了进展。 Any help at all would be great. 任何帮助都会很棒。

Thanks! 谢谢!


dataTable.addRow([new Date(yearValue,monthValue,dayValue),'<a class=\"tooltipLink\" onclick=\"getDoc(\''+searchResultsJSON[i].path+'\');return false;\">'+searchResultsJSON[i].title+'</a><br/\><br/\>']);

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