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[英]Warning: date_default_timezone_get() installing Symfony

I'm trying to install Symfony on XAMPP and I keep getting numerous errors. 我正在尝试在XAMPP上安装Symfony,并且不断收到很多错误。

Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.
You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function.
In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely
misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set 
date.timezone to select your timezone. in 
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php line 233 

and then 接着

Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache handling the post-
install-cmd event terminated with an exception

and finally 最后

An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.

I've tried changing the date.timezone in my php.ini file and using the date_default_timezone_set() function in the command line before trying to install it and nothing seems to work. 我尝试更改php.ini文件中的date.timezone并在尝试安装它之前在命令行中使用date_default_timezone_set()函数,但似乎没有任何效果。

I've been staring at it for a while so any help is appreciated 我已经盯着它看了一段时间,所以对您的帮助表示赞赏

If you can't set it correctly in your php.ini for some reason then you can set it as the first thing in your AppKernel, like so.. 如果由于某种原因不能在php.ini正确设置它,则可以将其设置为AppKernel中的第一件事,就像这样。

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function __construct($environment, $debug)
        parent::__construct($environment, $debug);

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(


Found a similar way to fix this issue while other didn't. 找到了类似的方法来解决此问题,而其他人则没有。

  1. First check where the CLI php.ini is located: 首先检查CLI php.ini的位置:

    php -i | grep "php.ini"

  2. In my case I ended up with : Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc 以我为例,我最终得到:配置文件(php.ini)路径=> / etc

  3. Then cd .. all the way back and cd into /etc , do ls in my case php.ini didn't show up, only a php.ini.default 然后cd ..一直返回到cd/etc ,在我的情况下ls没有出现php.ini,只有一个php.ini.default

  4. Now, copy the php.ini.default file named as php.ini: 现在,复制名为php.ini的php.ini.default文件:

    sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini

  5. In order to edit, change the permissions of the file: 为了编辑,更改文件的权限:

    sudo chmod ug+w php.ini

    sudo chgrp staff php.ini

  6. Open directory and edit the php.ini file: 打开目录并编辑php.ini文件:

    open .

    Tip: If you are not able to edit the php.ini due to some permissions issue then copy 'php.ini.default' and paste it on your desktop and rename it to 'php.ini' then open it and edit it following step 7. Then move (copy+paste) it in /etc folder. 提示:如果由于某些权限问题而无法编辑php.ini,请复制'php.ini.default'并将其粘贴到桌面上,并将其重命名为'php.ini',然后打开并按照以下步骤进行编辑7.然后将其移动(复制+粘贴)到/ etc文件夹中。 Issue will be resolved. 问题将得到解决。

  7. Search for [Date] and make sure the following line is in the correct format: 搜索[日期],并确保以下行的格式正确:

    date.timezone = "Europe/Amsterdam"

It is very very common for WAMP / XAMPP and other stacks to have use of multiple php.ini files - one for cli and one for web. 对于WAMP / XAMPP和其他堆栈,使用多个php.ini文件是非常常见的-一个用于cli,另一个用于web。

Since you're expiriencing the error from CLI try the following: 由于您遇到来自CLI的错误,请尝试以下操作:

php -i | grep "php.ini"

this will output location of php.ini used for cli. 这将输出用于cli的php.ini位置。 Edit the date.timezone there. date.timezone编辑date.timezone

As for the web mode, create a file foo.php within your "web" directory of symfony containing only" 至于网络模式, foo.php在“仅包含”的symfony的“网络”目录中创建文件foo.php

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

And, again, find the location of php.ini used and edit the date.timezone . 并且,再次找到php.ini使用位置并编辑date.timezone

Edit your php.ini (not necessarily at /etc/php.ini - use php -i | grep ini to find your version) and add your timezone. 编辑您的php.ini (不一定在/etc/php.ini -使用php -i | grep ini查找您的版本)并添加您的时区。

Eg for America / New York it would be: 例如,对于美国/纽约,它将是:

date.timezone = "America/New_York"

See http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.america.php 参见http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.america.php

It's been mentioned but this is as simple as: 已经提到过,但这很简单:

sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini 须藤cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini

You can't set the timezone if it can't find the php.ini file!!!! 如果找不到php.ini文件,则无法设置时区!

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