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Tomcat 8 与 Maven 的集成

[英]Tomcat 8 integration with Maven

It sounds like Eclipse (Kepler) does not have a proper plugin for Tomcat 8. I want to deploy my .war into Tomcat 8 and run it by Maven pom.xml file.听起来 Eclipse (Kepler) 没有适合 Tomcat 8 的插件。我想将我的 .war 部署到 Tomcat 8 并通过 Maven pom.xml 文件运行它。 Can anyone provide me step-by-step guidance or any resources, please?任何人都可以为我提供分步指导或任何资源吗?

My POM file:我的 POM 文件:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
  <name>test-rest Maven Webapp</name>
     <!-- Tomcat plugin -->

     <url>http:// localhost:8080/manager/text</url>

Can you use the cargo pluygin instead, this works for me, deploying to tomcat8 :你能改用cargo pluygin吗,这对我有用,部署到tomcat8:


Example of how to run your war with cargo & tomcat8如何使用货物和 tomcat8 运行战争的示例

mvn clean verify org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run -Dcargo.maven.containerId=tomcat8x -Dcargo.maven.containerUrl=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/tomcat/tomcat/8.5.9/tomcat-8.5.9.zip

If you want to add it to your pom如果你想把它添加到你的 pom


Then to run you war (if your pom is a war)然后运行你的战争(如果你的 pom 是一场战争)

mvn cargo:run

To run with debug (memory options not necessary)使用调试运行(不需要内存选项)

        <!-- <cargo.servlet.port>8200</cargo.servlet.port> -->
        <cargo.jvmargs>-Xmx2048m -Xms512m</cargo.jvmargs>
        <cargo.start.jvmargs>-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000</cargo.start.jvmargs>

Then you need to create a remote debug configuration in your IDE on port 8000 (port by default if nothing specified)然后你需要在你的 IDE 中的 8000 端口上创建一个远程调试配置(如果没有指定默认端口)

More commands here : https://codehaus-cargo.github.io/cargo/Maven2+plugin.html#Maven2plugin-TheCargoMavenpluginindetail更多命令在这里: https : //codehaus-cargo.github.io/cargo/Maven2+plugin.html#Maven2plugin-TheCargoMavenpluginindetail

For Tomcat 8, you should use cargo-maven2-plugin, which works for both maven 2 and maven 3. When configuration cargo plugin, make sure that the value for Container Id is "tomcat8x".对于Tomcat 8,您应该使用cargo-maven2-plugin,它适用于maven 2 和maven 3。配置cargo 插件时,请确保Container Id 的值为“tomcat8x”。 Do NOT omit the "x" after tomcat8.不要在 tomcat8 之后省略“x”。

Just in case you use a separate Tomcat local server.以防万一您使用单独的 Tomcat 本地服务器。 If you use embedded tomcat, this is not applicable.如果使用嵌入式 tomcat,则不适用。

In your pom.xml, add the tomcat plugin.在 pom.xml 中,添加 tomcat 插件。 (You can use this for both Tomcat 7 and 8): (您可以将它用于 Tomcat 7 和 8):

pom.xml pom.xml

<!-- Tomcat plugin -->  
  <url>http:// localhost:8080/manager/text</url>  
  <server>TomcatServer</server>    *(From maven > settings.xml)*

tomcat-users.xml tomcat-users.xml

    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>  
        <role rolename="manager-script"/>   
        <user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui,manager-script" />  

settings.xml (maven > conf) settings.xml (maven > conf)


* deploy/re-deploy * 部署/重新部署

mvn tomcat7:deploy OR mvn tomcat7:redeploy mvn tomcat7:deploymvn tomcat7:redeploy

Tried this on (Both Ubuntu and Windows 8/10):在(Ubuntu 和 Windows 8/10)上试过这个:
* Jdk 7 & Tomcat 7 * Jdk 7 & Tomcat 7
* Jdk 7 & Tomcat 8 * Jdk 7 & Tomcat 8
* Jdk 8 & Tomcat 7 * Jdk 8 & Tomcat 7
* Jdk 8 & Tomcat 8 * Jdk 8 & Tomcat 8

Tested on Both Jdk 7/8 & Tomcat 7/8.在 Jdk 7/8 和 Tomcat 7/8 上测试。 (Works with Tomcat 8.5 Also, will test Tomcat 9 soon) (适用于 Tomcat 8.5 此外,将很快测试 Tomcat 9)

Tomcat manager should be running or properly setup, before you can use it with maven. Tomcat 管理器应该正在运行或正确设置,然后才能将其与 maven 一起使用。

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