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[英]How do I add a different delay in a JavaScript loop?

i'd like to call a function with a specific timer. 我想用一个特定的计时器来调用一个函数。 I already know about setTimeout() function, but i got a problem, here it is : 我已经知道setTimeout()函数,但是我遇到了一个问题,这里是:

// mysounds is an array of audio div

mysounds .forEach(function(value, i) {
    // I call my function with the duration of the sample from the audio div in parameter

function myLoop (timer){           
    setTimeout(function (){    
    }, timer);

So, as you can see the forEach loop will be call asynchronously --> all the sounds in the array will be play at the same time and i want them to be play one after the other.. 因此,正如您所看到的,forEach循环将被异步调用->数组中的所有声音将同时播放,我希望它们一个接一个地播放。

You can use promises for this, promises represent calculating an eventual value rather than an immediate one. 您可以为此使用诺言,诺言表示计算最终值,而不是立即值。 First, let's convert setTimeout to a promise: 首先,让我们将setTimeout转换为setTimeout

function delay(ms){
    var dfd = $.Deferred();

    }, ms);

    return dfd.promise();

now, let's chain our objects. 现在,让我们链接对象。 I assume you have references to them in an array: 我假设您在数组中引用了它们:

var elements = [el1,el2,el3]; // elements is an array of elements, you can convert
                              // that representation you have now with a loop.

var result = delay(0); // initial value
      result = result.then(function(){ // when our current delay expires
           alert("Hello"); // element available here as `el`
           return delay(1000); // next, wait 1000 ms
     // in here, everything is resolved.

Fiddle 小提琴

     var index = 0,
         timer = 1000;

     setinterval(function () {
                 alert (index)

               }, timer);

This might help you in calling your function every 1 second, but if you want to change your timing, need to clear setinterval and pass in a new timer, 这可能会帮助您每1秒调用一次函数,但是如果您想更改计时,则需要清除setinterval并传入新的计时器,

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