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[英]Get custom field (acf) from array of pages - wordpress

I have this function for getting pages with a certain template: 我具有用于获取具有特定模板的页面的此功能:

   $parteneri = get_pages(array(
       'post_type' => 'page',
       'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template',
       'meta_value' => 'template_parteneri.php',
       'meta_compare' => '!='

This returns an array. 这将返回一个数组。 How would I be able to access some custom fields (advanced custom fields) on those pages returned? 在返回的那些页面上,我将如何访问某些自定义字段(高级自定义字段)?

I imagine you would have to loop through pages and use 我想您将不得不遍历页面并使用

get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $single );

for each of your custom fields. 您的每个自定义字段。 I don't know any other solution at this moment. 目前我不知道其他解决方案。

I found out, I made a Query with that array. 我发现,我对该数组进行了查询。 I just added: 我刚刚添加:

$queryObject = new WP_Query($pages); $ queryObject =新的WP_Query($ pages); ?> ?>

            <?php if ( $queryObject->have_posts() )

                while (
                $queryObject->have_posts() ) :

            <p><?php the_field('continut_pagina'); ?></p>
            <?php endwhile; ?>

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