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[英]jQuery selector for multiple elements

I know this isn't a code issue related question, but it's something I'd love to know and it may help others: 我知道这不是与代码问题有关的问题,但是我很想知道这点,它可能会对其他人有所帮助:

What's the difference between using this: 使用这个之间有什么区别:

$(function() {
    var $fullArea = $('#full-sized-area');
    var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

Over say this: 这么说:

$(function() {
    var $fullArea = $('#full-sized-area');
    var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area');

Both are quite difference. 两者是完全不同的。

Basically you are using Multiple Selector (“selector1, selector2, selectorN”) in the following line. 基本上,您在下面的行中使用多重选择器(“ selector1,selector2,selectorN”) So its simple 所以很简单

$('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area')

Where as in line you are using context based selector, Here you are selecting element with ID full-sized-content in childs of $fullArea $fullArea ,您正在使用基于上下文的选择器,在这里您正在选择$fullArea元素中ID为full-sized-content $fullArea full-sized-content$fullArea

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea); 

is equivalent to 相当于

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-area').find('#full-sized-content');

Note As IDs must be unique in HTML you can simply use 注意由于ID在HTML中必须唯一,因此您可以简单地使用

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content');

There is a difference, 它们是有区别的,

Demo : Multiple selector 演示:多重选择器

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area');

Selects both the elements - Multiple selector : $('#elem1,#elem2,...') 选择两个元素- 多重选择器$('#elem1,#elem2,...')

Demo: Parent-child 演示:亲子

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

In this case : #full-sized-content has to the child of #full-sized-area 在这种情况下: #full-sized-content必须属于#full-sized-area的子#full-sized-area

So its is equivalent to 所以它等同于

$('#full-sized-area #full-sized-content');
          Parent          Child                

Both are diffent here.. 两者都在这里不同。

$(function() {
    var $fullArea = $('#full-sized-area');
    var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

This one select element which has id "full-sized-content" under the #full-sized-area element 在#full-size-area元素下具有id“ full-size-content”的一个选择元素

$(function() {
    var $fullArea = $('#full-sized-area');
    var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area');

This one select both element with the ID full-sized-content and full-sized-area 这一个选择ID为full-size-content和full-size-area的元素

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

The above actually a context based selector. 上面实际上是一个基于上下文的选择器。 So, what is does in simple manner is:- 因此,简单的操作是:

$fullArea                           // get the fullArea element
    .find('#full-sized-content')    // find all the descendants with this id inside it

While the code below means: 虽然以下代码表示:

// Get both the elements with id full-sized-content & full-sized-area
var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area');

It's like a combined selector. 这就像一个组合选择器。 So, if you do the below thing for 1st code:- 因此,如果您对第一个代码执行以下操作:

$fullContent.css('color', 'red');

It will only make the color red for the element #full-sized-content inside $fullArea Whereas if you use the same code for the 2nd part, it will color both the full-sized-content & full-sized-area elements. 对于$fullArea #full-sized-content $fullArea #full-sized-content元素,它只会使颜色$fullArea而如果第二部分使用相同的代码,它将为full-sized-content $fullArea full-sized-contentfull-sized-area元素着色。


Your code: 您的代码:

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

it says find me #full-sized-content in $fullArea , because of the , . 它说我找#full-sized-content$fullArea因为, , , makes a context for this. ,为此提供了一个上下文。

This code: 这段代码:

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content, #full-sized-area');

is usually called a muliple selector selection which is a string with , separated elems while below 通常被称为多选择器选择 ,它是一个字符串,带有,在下面是分隔的

var $fullContent = $('#full-sized-content', $fullArea);

is usually finds an element in a given context which is , separated elems. 通常发现在给定的上下文中是一个元件,分离elems的。

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