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[英]splitting string from one column and extracting one part of string to another column in sql

I use sql server 2008 r2. 我使用SQL Server 2008 R2。 The problem started when one person entered data into the datebase in two different formats. 当一个人以两种不同的格式将数据输入日期数据库时,问题就开始了。

The table is: ( as u can notice there are FName and LName in column 'Title' but it should be in FName and LName columns respectively. 该表是:(正如您所注意到的,在“标题”列中有FNameLName ,但它们应该分别在FNameLName列中。

 Title                      FirstName         LastName
 Prasident Ena Enic          null              null    *(not ok)*
 Prasident                   Hana              Hanic   *(ok)*
 Prasident Jack Johnson      null              null    *(wrong)*

So I splitted string in Title into 3 parts ( Title , SFirstName and SLastName ) using the code below. 所以我使用下面的代码将Title字符串分为3个部分( TitleSFirstNameSLastName )。

ltrim(SUBSTRING (title ,CHARINDEX(' ', title)+1,
charindex(' ',title+' ',charindex(' ',title)+1)-charindex(' ',title)-1)),
ltrim(substring(title, charindex(' ',title,charindex(' ',title)+1), len(title)))

and I got this type od table. 我得到了这种类型的od表。

SplittedTitle   SplittedFirstName  SplittedLastName  FirstName    LastName  
Prasident        Ena                 Enic              null         null
Prasident        Prasident           Prasident         Hana         Hanic
Prasident        Jack                Johnson           null         null

Now I have problem with nulls in FirstName and LastName . 现在我在FirstNameLastName null问题。 How can I transfer right data ( from SplittedFirstName and SplittedLastName) instead of nulls. 如何传输正确的数据(从SplittedFirstName和SplittedLastName)而不是null。 I hope anyone got the point what my problem is. 我希望任何人都明白我的问题所在。

Anyone have any idea? 有人知道吗 Which function should I use and how? 我应该使用哪个功能以及如何使用?

I think you want an update. 我想你要更新。 You can do this with an updatable CTE: 您可以使用可更新的CTE进行此操作:

with toupdate as (
      <your query here>
update toupdate
    set FirstName = SplittedFirstName,
        LastName = SplittedLastName
    where FirstName is null and LastName is null;

Do you mean something like this: 您的意思是这样的吗:


which replaces y with empty string if it is null? 如果它为空,它将用空字符串替换y?

You can find more about this function here : 您可以在这里找到有关此功能的更多信息:

All you need to do now is,to run a update on that resultant table 您现在要做的就是在结果表上运行更新

UPDATE tablename  
FirstName = case when SplittedTitle <> SplittedFirstName  
                 then SplittedFirstName end,  
LastName = case when SplittedTitle <> SplittedLastName  
                then SplittedLastName end 

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