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[英]Updating domain class in grails

I want to add new fields to a domain class so that it updates the generated table's attributes set. 我想将新字段添加到域类,以便它更新生成的表的属性集。 I have a domain class like this,, 我有这样的领域类,

Class Book {
String name
  static constraints = {
   name nullable:false

 String toString() {
        return name

The GORM generated includes name along with id and version. 生成的GORM包括名称以及ID和版本。 Now I want to add ISBN to Book domain class as following 现在,我想将ISBN添加到Book域类,如下所示

 Class Book {
    String name
    String ISBN
      static constraints = {
       name nullable:false
       ISBN nullable:true

     String toString() {
            return name

I don't want to use create-drop in DataSource.groovy because it will delete all my previous data. 我不想在DataSource.groovy使用create-drop ,因为它将删除我以前的所有数据。 My DataSource.groovy looks like this,, 我的DataSource.groovy看起来像这样,

 dataSource {
         dbCreate = "update"
         url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/databaseName"
         username = "username"
         password = "password"

I want GORM to add ISBN field to book table. 我希望GORM将ISBN字段添加到书表中。 But its not happening. 但是它没有发生。 Where am I wrong ? 我哪里错了?

I am using sql server 2008 and grails version 2.1.1 我正在使用SQL Server 2008和Grails版本2.1.1

dataSource {
     dbCreate = "update"

should do the trick. 应该可以。 It updates you db without dropping the tables 它更新您的数据库,而无需删除表

you will need to crate this field in sql server by hand it use to be a easy task in sqlserver because all its tools, and you should take a look to grails database migration plugin documentation. 您将需要手工在sql server中创建该字段,因为在该字段中使用了所有工具,因此在sqlserver中使用该字段很容易,因此您应该查看一下graging数据库迁移插件文档。 It should be already installed in your grails version 它应该已经安装在您的grails版本中

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