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[英]Select input shown with ng-show

I'd like to put the focus on an input after it's shown with ng-show. 我想把重点放在ng-show显示的输入上。 However, this requires a jquery call to be made after the $digest cycle. 但是,这需要在$ digest循环之后进行jquery调用。 Does anyone know how to run code after the item is shown, without resorting to setTimeout(), or some such thing? 有谁知道在项目显示后如何运行代码,而不求助于setTimeout()或类似的东西? Here's an example plunk of the issue: http://plnkr.co/edit/synSIP?p=preview 这是该问题的一个小例子: http ://plnkr.co/edit/synSIP? p= preview

You can write a simple directive , dont need jquery : 您可以编写一个简单的指令,不需要jquery:

   return function(scope,elem,att){

and You can use it like this : 您可以像这样使用它:

    <input type="text" focusme>

如果您希望输入在显示时自动聚焦,请使用html5 autofocus属性:

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