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[英](Java)VTD-XML & Xpath Compering Nodes Children Elements

I have two xml files. 我有两个xml文件。 One is reference(old) file and another one is test(new) file. 一个是参考(旧)文件,另一个是测试(新)文件。 Based on some rules supplied to me I have to check if something was removed from old model and then added to new one or check if something from old file was removed in new file. 根据提供给我的一些规则,我必须检查是否从旧模型中删除了某些内容,然后将其添加到新模型中,或者检查了旧文件中的某些内容是否已在新文件中删除了。

I am using VTD-XML but DOM solution or any other that works with xpath will be really useful. 我正在使用VTD-XML,但是DOM解决方案或任何其他与xpath一起使用的解决方案将非常有用。

That is java code: 那是java代码:

public void validateBooleanVTD2(PropertyRule prop, int i) throws XPathParseException, XPathEvalException,
        NavException {
    int n = -1;
    String xPath = prop.getEntitiesObjects().get(i).getxPath(); // eg. /people/man/attribute[not(key)]
    String propertyChecked = prop.getTag(); // eg. mandatory 
    VTDGen parseRef = new VTDGen();
    VTDGen parseTest = new VTDGen();
    parseRef.parseFile(ref, false);
    parseTest.parseFile(test, false);
    VTDNav navigateRef = parseRef.getNav();
    VTDNav navigateTest = parseTest.getNav();
    AutoPilot autopilotRef = new AutoPilot();
    AutoPilot autopilotTest = new AutoPilot();
    //Instant start = Instant.now();

    while ((n = autopilotRef.evalXPath()) != -1) {
        int nameIndexRef = navigateRef.getAttrVal("name");
        String nameRef = navigateRef.toNormalizedString(nameIndexRef);
        autopilotTest.selectXPath(xPath + "[@name='" + nameRef + "']"); // eg. /people/man/attribute[not(key)][@name='John']
        int m = -1;
        while ((m = autopilotTest.evalXPath()) != -1) {

            if (navigateRef.toElement(VTDNav.FIRST_CHILD, propertyChecked) == false
                    && navigateTest.toElement(VTDNav.FIRST_CHILD, propertyChecked) == true) {// if it is in ref but not in test 

                System.out.println(nameRef + ":" + propertyChecked + ":Changed false to true");



            else if (navigateRef.toElement(VTDNav.FIRST_CHILD, propertyChecked) == true
                    && navigateTest.toElement(VTDNav.FIRST_CHILD, propertyChecked) == false) { // if it is in test but not in ref
                System.out.println(nameRef + ":" + propertyChecked + ":Changed true to false");





1)When xpath is done on ref file i get all attributes of man node: 1)当在引用文件上完成xpath时,我得到了man节点的所有属性:


And I get value of name attribute. 我得到名称属性的值。

2)Then I do another xpath on test file to get common attributes: 2)然后我在测试文件上执行另一个xpath以获得通用属性:


3) And then I have my if statements 3)然后我有if语句

PROBLEM: Without if statements i get all attributes from ref and test file There should be 29000 of them. 问题:如果没有if语句,我将从ref和测试文件中获取所有属性,应该有29000个属性。 When I trying to check if that node(attribute) has child node called mandatory for example I get 2 results back. 例如,当我尝试检查该节点(属性)是否具有称为强制性的子节点时,我得到了2个结果。 But there should be much more where is the problem? 但是问题出在哪里呢?

Ref File: 参考文件:

<man name="John">
    <attribute name="attr1">
    <attribute name="attr2">
<man name="Hans">
    <attribute name="attr3">
<man name="Max">
    <attribute name="attr4">

Test File: 测试文件:

<man name="John">
    <attribute name="attr1">

    <attribute name="attr2">
<man name="Hans">
    <attribute name="attr3">
<man name="Max">
    <attribute name="attr4">

So when I run my code I should get: attr1 changed from true to false 因此,当我运行代码时,我应该得到:attr1从true更改为false

I found the solution to my problem: 我找到了解决问题的方法:

public void validateBooleanVTD2(PropertyRule prop, int i) throws XPathParseException, XPathEvalException,
        NavException {
    int n = -1;
    String xPath = prop.getEntitiesObjects().get(i).getxPath(); // eg. /people/man/attribute[not(key)]
    String propertyChecked = prop.getTag(); // eg. mandatory 
    VTDGen parseRef = new VTDGen();
    VTDGen parseTest = new VTDGen();
    parseRef.parseFile(ref, false);
    parseTest.parseFile(test, false);
    VTDNav navigateRef = parseRef.getNav();
    VTDNav navigateTest = parseTest.getNav();
    AutoPilot autopilotRef = new AutoPilot();
    AutoPilot autopilotTest = new AutoPilot();
    //Instant start = Instant.now();

    while ((n = autopilotRef.evalXPath()) != -1) {
        int nameIndexRef = navigateRef.getAttrVal("name");
        String nameRef = navigateRef.toNormalizedString(nameIndexRef);
        //System.out.println(navigateTest.toString(n + 2));
        //System.out.println(navigateTest.toString(n + 1));
        AutoPilot autopilotRefTestTag = new AutoPilot();
        AutoPilot autopilotTestTestTag = new AutoPilot();
        autopilotTestTestTag.selectXPath(xPath + "[@name='" + nameRef + "'][descendant::"+propertyChecked+"]"); // property in Test
        autopilotRefTestTag.selectXPath(xPath + "[@name='" + nameRef + "'][descendant::"+propertyChecked+"]"); // property in Ref
        if(autopilotRefTestTag.evalXPathToBoolean() == true && autopilotTestTestTag.evalXPathToBoolean() == false)
            System.out.println(nameRef/* +":"+navigateRef.toString(n)+":"+propertyChecked + ":Updated:"+prop.getTrue2falseValue()+":Changed From True to False:"+prop.getTrue2falseDesc()*/);
        if(autopilotRefTestTag.evalXPathToBoolean() == false && autopilotTestTestTag.evalXPathToBoolean() == true)
            System.out.println(nameRef/* +":"+navigateRef.toString(n)+":"+propertyChecked + ":Updated:"+prop.getFalse2trueValue()+":Changed From False to True:"+prop.getFalse2trueDesc()*/);



I used another XPath in loop to check if in current Entity is entity that I am looking for. 我在循环中使用了另一个XPath来检查当前Entity中是否是我要寻找的实体。

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