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与X-UA兼容的版本:IE = Edge和IE = 100之间的差异

[英]meta X-UA-Compatible: difference between IE=Edge and IE=100

Some features of one of my web applications is not working properly for some users in internet explorer 9, though I have made it compatible for IE 9. After doing some investigation I found the problem will happen if IE9 opens the site with document mode IE7. 我的一个Web应用程序的某些功能对于Internet Explorer 9中的某些用户来说无法正常使用,尽管我使其与IE 9兼容。经过一些调查,我发现如果IE9以文档模式IE7打开网站,则将出现问题。

To get rid of the problem I instantly used the following meta tag to force the browser to use its latest engine all the time to open this site. 为了解决这个问题,我立即使用以下meta标记强制浏览器始终使用其最新引擎来打开此网站。

<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=Edge' />

I found another option to use this meta with content='IE=100'. 我找到了另一个使用content ='IE = 100'的元数据的选项。

As most of my problems were css related, which option will have the minimum impact on other browser scripts? 由于我的大多数问题都与CSS相关,因此哪个选项对其他浏览器脚本的影响最小?

See Understanding legacy document modes in Specifying legacy document modes : 请参阅指定旧文档模式中的 了解旧 文档模式

Starting with IE11, edge mode is considered the preferred document mode. 从IE11开始,边缘模式被认为是首选的文档模式。 (In earlier versions, it was considered experimental.) (在早期版本中,它被认为是实验性的。)

[...] [...]

Starting with Internet Explorer 11, content values greater than "10" lead to edge mode, which is the highest version supported by the version of Internet Explorer used to view the webpage. 从Internet Explorer 11开始,内容值大于“ 10”会导致边缘模式,这是用于查看网页的Internet Explorer版本支持的最高版本。

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