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[英]getJSON and OAuth Token

I'm working on a script that uses jQuery (getJSON) to pullback values from a PHP page. 我正在使用jQuery(getJSON)从PHP页面提取值的脚本。 The PHP page correctly displays the encoded object with the correct keys and values, with the values being retrieved from the $_SESSION variable. PHP页面正确显示具有正确键和值的编码对象,并从$_SESSION变量中检索值。 However when the javascript attempts to access this page, the object is retrieved, but only the keys are intact with the values being replaced with null . 但是,当javascript尝试访问此页面时,将检索该对象,但只有键完整无缺,而值将替换为null The values that are returning null are retrieved from the $_SESSION , whereas any values that are manually added are correctly returning. $_SESSION检索返回null的值,而正确添加任何手动添加的值。 Is this something that can be avoided/fixed? 这是可以避免/解决的问题吗? Would it make more sense to store the access tokens in cookies rather than sessions? 将访问令牌存储在cookie中而不是会话中是否更有意义?

Code examples: 代码示例:


  $token = $_SESSION['token'] -> access_token;

  $information = [
     "media_token" => $token,
     "test" => "testing"

  print json_encode($information); //when page is directly accessed, 
                                   //returns correct information

Javascript: Javascript:

$.getJSON('oauth.php', function (data){
            console.log(data); // media_token: null
                               // test: testing

Try this code it will help you 试试这个代码将对您有帮助

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON('oauth.php', function (data){
            console.log(data); // media_token: null
                               // test: testing
<div class="title">

oauth.php file oauth.php文件

  $token = $_SESSION['token'];// -> access_token;

  $information = array(
    "media_token" => $token,
    "test" => "testing"

  print json_encode($information); //when page is directly accessed, 
                                   //returns correct information

Turns out the issue was that I was accessing the page that contained the JS using a non-www page, whereas adding www fixed the problem. 原来的问题是我正在使用非www页面访问包含JS的页面,而添加www解决了该问题。 Not sure why but clearly this changed if the page could access the $_SESSION or not. 不知道为什么,但是很明显,如果页面可以访问$ _SESSION,则此更改。 If anyone could explain why this is the case that'd be great, cheers. 如果有人能解释为什么会这样,那会很高兴。

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