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[英]Unknown email code from CDO.Message send method

I'm trying to send an email via vbscript. 我正在尝试通过vbscript发送电子邮件。 Here's my email code: I've hidden the email address of course. 这是我的电子邮件代码:我当然已经隐藏了电子邮件地址。 In my actual code I'm using a valid email address. 在我的实际代码中,我使用的是有效的电子邮件地址。

Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
objCDO.Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.oa.caiso.com" 
objCDO.Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 
objCDO.Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 
objCDO.Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 
objCDO.To = "abcemail@devnull.com"
objCDO.From = Sender
objCDO.cc = ""
objCDO.bcc = ""
objCDO.Subject = txtSubject
objCDO.HTMLBody = Replace(sBody, Chr(10),"<br>")
On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
    Response.Write "Just after the send command "
    Response.Write "Err.Number is " & Err.Number & "<br>"
    On Error GoTo 0
End If
set objCDO = nothing

When this code runs I see the following error: 运行此代码时,我看到以下错误:

Just after the send command Err.Number is -2147220978 在发送命令Err.Number之后是-2147220978

Now, when I research this error number there is no reference anywhere for error code -2147220978 In fact, a Google search for the number -2147220978 returns no results at all. 现在,当我研究此错误号时,错误代码-2147220978到处都没有引用。实际上,对于编号-2147220978的Google搜索根本没有返回任何结果。

Would you have any idea what that odd error code means? 您知道那个奇怪的错误代码是什么意思吗?

-2147220978 = 8004020E -2147220978 = 8004020E


// MessageText:
// The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: %1
#define CDO_E_SENDER_REJECTED            0x8004020EL

Decoding Errors 解码错误

-2147220978 style numbers are 32 bit signed integers, convert to hex with calculator. -2147220978样式编号是32位有符号整数,可通过计算器转换为十六进制。

Windows errors (smallish numbers) and COM HResults (typically, but with exceptions, start with an 8 as in 0x80040154) are defined in WinError.h, except 8007nnnn where you look up the Window error number that it contains. Windows错误(较小的数字)和COM HResults(通常,但有例外,以0x80040154中的8开头)在WinError.h中定义,除了8007nnnn,在其中查找它包含的Window错误号。

As a general rule Windows errors are less than 65,535 (0xFFFF). 通常,Windows错误小于65,535(0xFFFF)。 Errors starting 0x80000001 are Component Object Model (COM) HResults. 从0x80000001开始的错误是组件对象模型(COM)HResults。 Errors starting 0xc0000001 are NTStatus results. 以0xc0000001开头的错误是NTStatus结果。

NTStatus errors (typically but not always start with an C as in 0xC0000022) are defined in NTStatus.h. NTStatus.h中定义了NTStatus错误(通常但并非总是以0xC0000022开头的C开头)。

.h files are the best source because it includes the symbolic name of the error which can give clues such as the source of the error. .h文件是最好的来源,因为它包含错误的符号名,它可以提供诸如错误源之类的线索。 FormatMessage doesn't give the symbolic name only the description. FormatMessage不仅给出符号名称的描述。

You get these files by downloading the Platform SDK (it's gigabytes) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx%3Fid%3D8279&sa=U&ei=w2IrULDDLsHFmAWbmIHoBg&ved=0CBwQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNHZn9-4f2NnuN9o3UWUsOF3wL7HBQ 您可以通过下载Platform SDK(千兆字节) http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx%3Fid%3D8279&sa=U&ei=w2IrULDDLsHFmAWbmIHoBg&ved=0CBwQFjAA&usg=AFQJCNHZn9-4f2N

If you just want the two files I have them on my skydrive so I can reference them anywhere I go. 如果您只想要这两个文件,我会将它们放在skydrive上,这样我就可以在任何地方引用它们。 https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=E2F0CE17A268A4FA!121 https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=E2F0CE17A268A4FA!121

Note internet errors (12,000 - 12,999) are windows errors but are specified in wininet.h also available above. 注意Internet错误(12,000-12,999)是Windows错误,但在以上的wininet.h中已指定。

There are errors defined in other .h files. 在其他.h文件中定义了错误。 But 99% are in the three above. 但以上三者中有99%。

Structure of HResults and NTStatus Codes HResult和NTStatus代码的结构

The most significant bit in HResults, and the two most significant bits in NTStatus are set on error. HResults中的最高有效位以及NTStatus中的两个最高有效位被设置为错误。 Hence Hresults start 8 on error and NTStatus starts C on Error. 因此,Hresults在错误时以8开始,而NTStatus在错误时以C开始。 The next 14 or 15 bits are reserved and some specify the facility - what area the error is in. This is the third and fourth number when reading hex. 接下来的14或15位将被保留,其中一些会指定功能-错误所在的区域。这是读取十六进制时的第三个和第四个数字。 EG 0xnn07nnnn - An HResult facility code 7 is a normal Windows' error (returned from a COM program - hence it's returned as a HResult). EG 0xnn07nnnn-HResult工具代码7是Windows的正常错误(从COM程序返回-因此它作为HResult返回)。 Facility codes are defined in Winerror.h for HResults and NTStatus.h for NTStatus codes. 功能代码在Winerror.h中定义为HResults,在NTStatus.h中定义为NTStatus代码。 They are different. 他们是不同的。

To Decode 0x8003nnnn Errors 解码0x8003nnnn错误

HResults with facility code 3 means the HResult contains OLE Structured Storage errors (0x0 to 0xff). 具有设施代码3的HResults表示HResult包含OLE结构化存储错误(0x0至0xff)。 These don't seem to be in Windows' header files and the list of codes is at the end of this post. 这些似乎不在Windows的头文件中,并且代码列表在本文的结尾。

To Decode 0x8004nnnn Errors 解码0x8004nnnn错误

HResults with facility code 4 means the HResult contains OLE errors (0x0 to 0x1ff) while the rest of the range (0x200 onwards) is component specific errors so 20e from one component will have a different meaning to 20e from another component. 具有设施代码4的HResults表示HResult包含OLE错误(0x0至0x1ff),而其余范围(0x200起)是特定于组件的错误,因此一个组件中的20e与另一个组件中的20e具有不同的含义。

This is why the source of the error is extra important for errors above 0x80040200. 这就是为什么对于0x80040200以上的错误,错误的来源特别重要的原因。

To Decode 0x8007nnnn Errors 解码0x8007nnnn错误

HResults with facility code 7 means the HResult contains a Windows' error code. 具有功能代码7的HResults表示HResult包含Windows的错误代码。 You have to look up the Windows' error code not the HResult. 您必须查找Windows的错误代码而不是HResult。

To decode 0x80070002. 解码0x80070002。 The 0x means it's a hexadecimal number, the 8 means error, the first 7 means it a windows error, and the rest of the number, 2, is the actual Windows error. 0x表示它是一个十六进制数,8表示错误,前7表示它是Windows错误,数字的其余部分2是实际的Windows错误。

To look up the error we need it in decimal format. 要查找错误,我们需要十进制格式。 Start Calculator (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Calculator) and choose View menu - Scientific, then View menu - Hex. 启动计算器(开始-所有程序-附件-计算器),然后选择查看菜单-科学,然后选择查看菜单-十六进制。 Enter 2. Then View menu - Decimal. 输入2。然后单击“查看”菜单-“十进制”。 It will say 2. 它会说2。

Start a Command Prompt (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt) and type 启动命令提示符(开始-所有程序-附件-命令提示符)并键入

net helpmsg 2

and it will say 它会说

The system cannot find the file specified.

or look it up in winerror.h 或在winerror.h中查找

// MessageText:
// The system cannot find the file specified.
#define ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND             2L

Dos Error Codes (for 0x8003nnnn errors) Dos错误代码(用于0x8003nnnn错误)

Dos Error Codes (for 0x8003nnnn errors) Dos错误代码(用于0x8003nnnn错误)

Code    Message
01  Invalid function number
02  File not found
03  Path not found
04  Too many open files (no handles left)
05  Access denied
06  Invalid handle
07  Memory control blocks destroyed
08  Insufficient memory
09  Invalid memory block address
0A  Invalid environment
0B  Invalid format
0C  Invalid access mode (open mode is invalid)
0D  Invalid data
0E  Reserved
0F  Invalid drive specified
10  Attempt to remove current directory
11  Not same device
12  No more files
13  Attempt to write on a write-protected diskette
14  Unknown unit
15  Drive not ready
16  Unknown command
17  CRC error
18  Bad request structure length
19  Seek error
1A  Unknown media type
1B  Sector not found
1C  Printer out of paper
1D  Write fault
1E  Read fault
1F  General failure
20  Sharing violation
21  Lock violation
22  Invalid disk change
23  FCB unavailable
24  Sharing buffer overflow
25  Reserved
26  Unable to complete file operation (DOS 4.x)
27-31   Reserved
32  Network request not supported
33  Remote computer not listening
34  Duplicate name on network
35  Network name not found
36  Network busy
37  Network device no longer exists
38  NetBIOS command limit exceeded
39  Network adapter error
3A  Incorrect network response
3B  Unexpected network error
3C  Incompatible remote adapter
3D  Print queue full
3E  No space for print file
3F  Print file deleted
40  Network name deleted
41  Access denied
42  Network device type incorrect
43  Network name not found
44  Network name limit exceeded
45  NetBIOS session limit exceeded
46  Temporarily paused
47  Network request not accepted
48  Print or disk redirection is paused
49-4F   Reserved
50  File already exists
51  Reserved
52  Cannot make directory entry
53  Fail on INT 24
54  Too many redirections
55  Duplicate redirection
56  Invalid password
57  Invalid parameter
58  Network device fault
59  Function not supported by network (DOS 4.x)
5A  Required system component not installed (DOS 4.x)

Facility Codes 设施代码

NTStatus Facilities NTStatus设施

Common status values    0x0
Debugger    0x1
Rpc_runtime 0x2
Rpc_stubs   0x3
Io_error_code   0x4
Various drivers 0x5-0xf
Ntwin32 0x7
Ntsspi  0x9
Terminal_server 0xa
Faciltiy_mui_error_code 0xb
Usb_error_code  0x10
Hid_error_code  0x11
Firewire_error_code 0x12
Cluster_error_code  0x13
Acpi_error_code 0x14
Sxs_error_code  0x15
Transaction 0x19
Commonlog   0x1a
Video   0x1b
Filter_manager  0x1c
Monitor 0x1d
Graphics_kernel 0x1e
Driver_framework    0x20
Fve_error_code  0x21
Fwp_error_code  0x22
Ndis_error_code 0x23
Hypervisor  0x35
Ipsec   0x36
Maximum_value   0x37

HResults Facilities HResults设施

Null    0x0
Rpc 0x1
Dispatch    0x2
Storage 0x3
Itf 0x4
Win32   0x7
Windows 0x8
Sspi    0x9
Security    0x9
Control 0xa
Cert    0xb
Internet    0xc
Mediaserver 0xd
Msmq    0xe
Setupapi    0xf
Scard   0x10
Complus 0x11
Aaf 0x12
Urt 0x13
Acs 0x14
Dplay   0x15
Umi 0x16
Sxs 0x17
Windows_ce  0x18
Http    0x19
Usermode_commonlog  0x1a
Usermode_filter_manager 0x1f
Backgroundcopy  0x20
Configuration   0x21
State_management    0x22
Metadirectory   0x23
Windowsupdate   0x24
Directoryservice    0x25
Graphics    0x26
Shell   0x27
Tpm_services    0x28
Tpm_software    0x29
Pla 0x30
Fve 0x31
Fwp 0x32
Winrm   0x33
Ndis    0x34
Usermode_hypervisor 0x35
Cmi 0x36
Windows_defender    0x50

Here's a page from Help. 这是帮助页面。

      Exchange Server 2003  

Error Codes Send Feedback 错误代码发送反馈

: : : : : : : ::::::::
CDO for Windows 2000 > Reference > Windows 2000的CDO>参考>
(Declaration) (宣言)

Error Codes This section contains the custom error codes used by Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000. All of these values are available as constants in the type library CdoErrorCodes module. 错误代码本节包含Windows 2000的Microsoft CDO使用的自定义错误代码。所有这些值都可以在类型库CdoErrorCodes模块中用作常量。

Error values are 32 bit values whose structure is depicted here: 错误值是32位值,其结构如下所示:

Copy Code 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+ |Sev|C|R| 复印代码3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 + --- +-+-+ --------------------------- + ----------- -------------------- + | Sev | C | R | Facility | 设施| Code | 代码 +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+ + --- +-+-+ ----------------------- + ----------------- -------------- +

Reading this depiction from left-to-right, the severity code, Sev, is one of the following values: 从左到右读取此描述,严重性代码Sev是以下值之一:

00 - Success 00-成功

01 - Informational 01-信息性

10 - Warning 10-警告

11 - Error 11-错误

Followed by: 其次是:

C — The customer code flag. C —客户代码标志。

R — A reserved bit. R —保留位。

Facitlity — The facility code. 便利性-便利性代码。

Code — The facilitiy's status code. 代码-设施的状态码。

Error Name Value Remarks 错误名称值备注
CDO_E_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION 0x80040201L Exception %1 was generated at address %2 CDO_E_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION 0x80040201L异常%1在地址%2处生成

CDO_E_NOT_OPENED 0x80040202L No data source has been opened for the object. CDO_E_NOT_OPENED 0x80040202L尚未为该对象打开任何数据源。

CDO_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE 0x80040203L The object does not support this type of data source. CDO_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE 0x80040203L对象不支持这种类型的数据源。

CDO_E_INVALID_PROPERTYNAME 0x80040204L The object does not support the requested property name or namespace. CDO_E_INVALID_PROPERTYNAME 0x80040204L该对象不支持所请求的属性名称或名称空间。

CDO_E_PROP_UNSUPPORTED 0x80040205L The object does not support the requested property. CDO_E_PROP_UNSUPPORTED 0x80040205L该对象不支持所请求的属性。

CDO_E_INACTIVE 0x80040206L The object is not active. CDO_E_INACTIVE 0x80040206L该对象无效。 It may have been deleted or it may not have been opened. 它可能已被删除或尚未打开。

CDO_E_NO_SUPPORT_FOR_OBJECTS 0x80040207L The object does not support storing persistent state information for objects. CDO_E_NO_SUPPORT_FOR_OBJECTS 0x80040207L对象不支持存储对象的持久状态信息。

CDO_E_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x80040208L The requested property or feature, while supported, is not available at this time or in this context. CDO_E_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x80040208L虽然支持请求的属性或功能,但当前或在此上下文中不可用。

CDO_E_NO_DEFAULT_DROP_DIR 0x80040209L No default drop directory has been configured for this server. CDO_E_NO_DEFAULT_DROP_DIR 0x80040209L尚未为此服务器配置默认放置目录。

CDO_E_SMTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020AL The SMTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source. CDO_E_SMTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020AL SMTP服务器名称是必需的,在配置源中找不到。

CDO_E_NNTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020BL The NNTP server name is required, and was not found in the configuration source. CDO_E_NNTP_SERVER_REQUIRED 0x8004020BL NNTP服务器名称是必需的,并且在配置源中找不到。

CDO_E_RECIPIENT_MISSING 0x8004020CL At least one recipient is required, but none were found. CDO_E_RECIPIENT_MISSING 0x8004020CL至少需要一个收件人,但找不到任何收件人。

CDO_E_FROM_MISSING 0x8004020DL At least one of the From or Sender fields is required, and neither was found. CDO_E_FROM_MISSING 0x8004020DL至少需要“发件人”或“发件人”字段之一,但均未找到。

CDO_E_SENDER_REJECTED 0x8004020EL The server rejected the sender address. CDO_E_SENDER_REJECTED 0x8004020EL服务器拒绝了发件人地址。 The server response was: %1 服务器响应为:%1

CDO_E_RECIPIENTS_REJECTED 0x8004020FL The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. CDO_E_RECIPIENTS_REJECTED 0x8004020FL服务器拒绝了一个或多个收件人地址。 The server response was: %1 服务器响应为:%1

CDO_E_NNTP_POST_FAILED 0x80040210L The message could not be posted to the NNTP server. CDO_E_NNTP_POST_FAILED 0x80040210L无法将消息发布到NNTP服务器。 The transport error code was %2. 传输错误代码为%2。 The server response was %1 服务器响应为%1

CDO_E_SMTP_SEND_FAILED 0x80040211L The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. CDO_E_SMTP_SEND_FAILED 0x80040211L无法将邮件发送到SMTP服务器。 The transport error code was %2. 传输错误代码为%2。 The server response was %1 服务器响应为%1

CDO_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED 0x80040212L The transport lost its connection to the server. CDO_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED 0x80040212L传输断开了与服务器的连接。

CDO_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT 0x80040213L The transport failed to connect to the server. CDO_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT 0x80040213L传输无法连接到服务器。

CDO_E_INVALID_POST 0x80040214L The Subject, From, and Newsgroup fields are all required, and one or more was not found. CDO_E_INVALID_POST 0x80040214L主题,发件人和新闻组字段均为必填字段,但未找到一个或多个字段。

CDO_E_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 0x80040215L The server rejected the logon attempt due to authentication failure. CDO_E_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 0x80040215L由于身份验证失败,服务器拒绝了登录尝试。 The server response was: %1 服务器响应为:%1

CDO_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE 0x80040216L The content type was not valid in this context. CDO_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE 0x80040216L在此上下文中,内容类型无效。 For exmaple, the root of an MHTML message must be an HTML document. 例如,MHTML消息的根必须是HTML文档。

CDO_E_LOGON_FAILURE 0x80040217L The transport was unable to log on to the server. CDO_E_LOGON_FAILURE 0x80040217L传输无法登录到服务器。

CDO_E_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 0x80040218L The requested resource could not be found. CDO_E_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 0x80040218L找不到请求的资源。 The server response was: %1. 服务器响应为:%1。

CDO_E_HTTP_FORBIDDEN 0x80040219L Access to the requested resource is denied. CDO_E_HTTP_FORBIDDEN 0x80040219L拒绝访问所请求的资源。 The server response was: %1. 服务器响应为:%1。

CDO_E_HTTP_FAILED 0x8004021AL The HTTP request failed. CDO_E_HTTP_FAILED 0x8004021AL HTTP请求失败。 The server response was: %1. 服务器响应为:%1。

CDO_E_MULTIPART_NO_DATA 0x8004021BL This is a multipart body part. CDO_E_MULTIPART_NO_DATA 0x8004021BL这是一个多部分身体部位。 It has no content other than the body parts contained within it. 除了其中包含的身体部位之外,它没有其他内容。

CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_FOR_MULTIPART 0x8004021CL Multipart body parts must be encoded as 7bit, 8bit, or binary. CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_FOR_MULTIPART 0x8004021CL多部分主体部分必须编码为7位,8位或二进制。

CDO_E_PROP_NOT_FOUND 0x8004021EL The requested property was not found. CDO_E_PROP_NOT_FOUND 0x8004021EL找不到请求的属性。

CDO_E_INVALID_SEND_OPTION 0x80040220L The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid. CDO_E_INVALID_SEND_OPTION 0x80040220L“ SendUsing”配置值无效。

CDO_E_INVALID_POST_OPTION 0x80040221L The "PostUsing" configuration value is invalid. CDO_E_INVALID_POST_OPTION 0x80040221L“使用后”配置值无效。

CDO_E_NO_PICKUP_DIR 0x80040222L The pickup directory path is required and was not specified. CDO_E_NO_PICKUP_DIR 0x80040222L拾取目录路径是必需的,未指定。

CDO_E_NOT_ALL_DELETED 0x80040223L One or more messages could not be deleted. CDO_E_NOT_ALL_DELETED 0x80040223L无法删除一个或多个消息。

CDO_E_PROP_READONLY 0x80040227L The property is read-only. CDO_E_PROP_READONLY 0x80040227L该属性是只读的。

CDO_E_PROP_CANNOT_DELETE 0x80040228L The property cannot be deleted. CDO_E_PROP_CANNOT_DELETE 0x80040228L无法删除该属性。

CDO_E_BAD_DATA 0x80040229L Data written to the object are inconsistent or invalid. CDO_E_BAD_DATA 0x80040229L写入对象的数据不一致或无效。

CDO_E_PROP_NONHEADER 0x8004022AL The requested property is not in the mail header namespace. CDO_E_PROP_NONHEADER 0x8004022AL所请求的属性不在邮件头名称空间中。

CDO_E_INVALID_CHARSET 0x8004022BL The requested character set is not installed on the computer. CDO_E_INVALID_CHARSET 0x8004022BL所请求的字符集未安装在计算机上。

CDO_E_ADOSTREAM_NOT_BOUND 0x8004022CL The ADO stream has not been opened. CDO_E_ADOSTREAM_NOT_BOUND 0x8004022CL尚未打开ADO流。

CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_NOT_FOUND 0x8004022DL The content properties are missing. CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_NOT_FOUND 0x8004022DL缺少内容属性。

CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_WRONG_CHARSET 0x8004022EL Content properties XML must be encoded using UTF-8. CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_WRONG_CHARSET 0x8004022EL内容属性XML必须使用UTF-8进行编码。

CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_PARSE_FAILED 0x8004022FL Failed to parse content properties XML. CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_PARSE_FAILED 0x8004022FL无法解析内容属性XML。

CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_CONVERT_FAILED 0x80040230L Failed to convert a property from XML to a requested type. CDO_E_CONTENTPROPXML_CONVERT_FAILED 0x80040230L无法将属性从XML转换为请求的类型。

CDO_E_NO_DIRECTORIES_SPECIFIED 0x80040231L No directories were specified for resolution. CDO_E_NO_DIRECTORIES_SPECIFIED 0x80040231L没有指定用于解析的目录。

CDO_E_DIRECTORIES_UNREACHABLE 0x80040232L Failed to resolve against one or more of the specified directories. CDO_E_DIRECTORIES_UNREACHABLE 0x80040232L无法针对一个或多个指定目录进行解析。

CDO_E_BAD_SENDER 0x80040233L Could not find the Sender's mailbox. CDO_E_BAD_SENDER 0x80040233L找不到发件人的邮箱。

CDO_E_SELF_BINDING 0x80040234L Binding to self is not allowed. CDO_E_SELF_BINDING 0x80040234L不允许绑定到自身。

CDO_E_ARGUMENT1 0x80044000L The first argument is invalid. CDO_E_ARGUMENT1 0x80044000L第一个参数无效。

CDO_E_ARGUMENT2 0x80044001L The second argument is invalid. CDO_E_ARGUMENT2 0x80044001L第二个参数无效。

CDO_E_ARGUMENT3 0x80044002L The third argument is invalid. CDO_E_ARGUMENT3 0x80044002L第三个参数无效。

CDO_E_ARGUMENT4 0x80044003L The fourth argument is invalid. CDO_E_ARGUMENT4 0x80044003L第四个参数无效。

CDO_E_ARGUMENT5 0x80044004L The fifth argument is invalid. CDO_E_ARGUMENT5 0x80044004L第五个参数无效。

CDO_E_NOT_FOUND 0x800CCE05L The requested body part was not found in this message. CDO_E_NOT_FOUND 0x800CCE05L在此消息中找不到所请求的正文部分。

CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_TYPE 0x800CCE1DL The content encoding type is invalid. CDO_E_INVALID_ENCODING_TYPE 0x800CCE1DL内容编码类型无效。

Documentation Feedback Microsoft values your feedback. 文档反馈Microsoft重视您的反馈。 To rate this topic and send feedback about this topic to the documentation team, click a rating, and then click Send Feedback. 要对该主题进行评分并将有关此主题的反馈发送给文档团队,请单击评分,然后单击“发送反馈”。 For assistance with support issues, refer to the technical support information included with the product. 有关支持问题的帮助,请参阅产品随附的技术支持信息。 Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Outstanding To e-mail your feedback to Microsoft, click here: 较差1 2 3 4 5优秀要通过电子邮件将您的反馈发送给Microsoft,请单击此处:
© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. ©2005 Microsoft Corporation。 All rights reserved. 版权所有。

You most likely need to authenticate against your mail server. 您很可能需要针对您的邮件服务器进行身份验证。 You can do this with CDOSYS by adding the following lines. 您可以通过添加以下行来使用CDOSYS进行此操作。 You will of course need to change the sendusername and sendpassword values to a valid account. 您当然需要将sendusername和sendpassword值更改为有效帐户。

objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") ="somemail@yourserver.com"
objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") ="yourpassword"

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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