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[英]wp_editor() in content that was loaded with ajax

I try to use wp_editor() in content that was loaded with ajax, but none of the required files and some other configuration script not loaded : 我尝试在用ajax加载的内容中使用wp_editor() ,但没有加载任何必需的文件和一些其他配置脚本:

The structure of ajax is something like this: ajax的结构是这样的:

function get_test_page(){
   include( TEMPLATEPATH . '/page.php' );
   die( main() );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_test_page', 'get_test_page' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_test_page', 'get_test_page' );

page.php : page.php:

function main(){

Editor is loaded but needed files is not loaded. 编辑器已加载,但所需文件未加载。

  • http://.../wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php

  • http://.../wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/skin.min.css

  • http://.../wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=...mce-view,imgareaselect,image-edit,word-count,editor,quicktags,wplink,thick..

  • http://.../wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/{}.js

  • ...

Some related post but doesn't help me : 一些相关的帖子,但对我没有帮助:

use wordpress wp_editor in dynamic/ajax html 在动态/ ajax html中使用wordpress wp_editor

How to load wp_editor() through AJAX/jQuery 如何通过AJAX / jQuery加载wp_editor()

Solution : 解决方案

Add wp_editor() in somewhere that works perfectly and hide it. wp_editor()添加到最wp_editor()并将其隐藏。

<div class="hidden-editor-container" style="display:none;">
    <?php wp_editor( '', 'editor' ); ?>

after that assign editor contents to the global JS variable. 之后,将编辑器内容分配给全局JS变量。

EDITOR = $('.hidden-editor-container').contents();

Finally when the ajax page is loaded append editor contents 最后,当加载ajax页面时,追加编辑器内容

$('.editor').append( EDITOR );

tinymce.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', false, 'editor' );
tinymce.execCommand( 'mceAddEditor', false, 'editor' );

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